Reviews for The Whisky Wedding
PrinceDandy chapter 6 . 6/26
Oh well, I was so enjoying this story but I don't have a Kindle account. I hope amazon treats you well, congrats on that next big step. 3
rzsnider chapter 6 . 6/14
I purchased this on Amazon years ago and it is one of my favorite variations! This Darcy is swoon-worthy. I read it one day and it is one of those I'll go back to from time to time!
Kartos chapter 6 . 5/24
wow, an update to let us know youre breaking the TOS to advertise.
Levenez chapter 57 . 2/27
Thank you for sharing with us their story full of adventures. Short-ish chapters give it quite some rhythm and there is a LOt happening.
Definitely worth reading! Thank you.
Wyndwhyspyr chapter 57 . 2/13
Fabulous story
Stephyyyy01 chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Ah, stupid Lydia
PrinceDandy chapter 57 . 11/16/2019
That was a darling story. Thank you for keeping it up!
tlyxor1 chapter 57 . 11/10/2019
Enjoyed, thank you for writing. -t.
Guest chapter 21 . 11/6/2019
that is genius!
Gemmadog chapter 57 . 10/18/2019
Loved it.
Witchilean chapter 37 . 6/3/2019
Definatelly(? I hate Jane.
Odio su personaje tan lastimero y weon. Chao, Jane púdrete, nunca te das cuenta de las weas y luego andas echando la culpa sobre los demás.
Witchilean chapter 36 . 6/3/2019
I love your story, but I hate that the story let bingley so stupid(idk, I speak spanish) I mean, Bingley it's so sweet originally, and THAT makes me hate Richard :(
Guest chapter 39 . 4/19/2019
I really love your Jane/Colonel pairing, that you've got going on here :)
61913a chapter 57 . 1/11/2019
Oh this was lovely.
And Thank you very much for not removing this story from the fanfiction website after you published it. I really cannot afford to pay for books which is why I started to read fanfiction and authors like Fredrica Edward just make me so mad and upset because thay publish their books and then leave sneak peaks here to torment poor readers who cannot afford to buy their books. So I am really thankful you didn't remove this from the site...
B chapter 8 . 1/6/2019
But did peter ever get fed?
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