Reviews for Rhapsody
Toria Nala chapter 10 . 7/15
Please update soon :) Love this story.
DarkLilyDevil chapter 10 . 6/19
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Why would you do this to me? I hope you continue this is a great fanfic.
codixele chapter 10 . 5/17
Love it! Please do continue
2020DELETE ME chapter 10 . 5/16
Loved reading this story, are you still writing? It would be a shame if you are not! This is unique and different from other stories, I've read on here. Xx
Turniptree chapter 10 . 5/11
PLEASE finish this story! I couldn't put it down and read it all in one sitting. Its really a wonderful story I totally hooked
Medtran49 chapter 10 . 4/26
Wish you would finish this, it's great!
elsie bailey chapter 10 . 2/26
I love this story. Delightful.
Mandy chapter 10 . 10/2/2019
So sorry to read this story has been abandoned. It was very entertaining and unique. Thank you for sharing your efforts thus far!
Guest chapter 8 . 8/4/2019
Also sookie has blue eyes!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/4/2019
I like the story but you spent so long describing the dance that it loses flow and forces you to stop and analyse every more and kinda takes away the fun of reading. I know its to pull you in and really see whats going on but i feel that theres an easier way to go about it. Apart from that im enjoying it so far
The Real Jackie-O chapter 10 . 7/31/2019
every time I think it's abandoned it pops up lol good chapter , I'm glad your alive an safe .
padfoots-angellover chapter 10 . 7/18/2019
I love it! More, please!
Jfozz chapter 10 . 7/16/2019
Pam is going to have a field day watching Eric have to try harder than he ever has before (if ever) to win a womans affections. I hope she gets to witness him meeting Gran.
I look forward to Sookie's pov. She will be a flustered mess when she realises that he is the boss.
I hope all is well for you.
ciasteczko chapter 10 . 7/10/2019
Thanks for the update! can't wait for more :-)
MsNorthman chapter 10 . 7/9/2019
Thank you for the update!
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