Reviews for Only the Moon Knows
Hime-Kim lee chapter 1 . 1/28/2018
smh *tears* this is just huh sad beautiful but sad
memoriesofdarkness chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
"They were doomed from the start.." T.T It's beautiful 3
Bookworm247 chapter 1 . 3/24/2017
I loved this my heart was being torn into while I read it. Great work
Princess Uchiha.0223 chapter 1 . 1/26/2017
Bloody hell. This. This was something. It made me happy and sad at the same time, and by the time I finished, I was just sitting there dazed, not knowing what to do with all the feels.
The theme of this fic struck home. This whole Sasuke and Naruto marrying others simply for the sake of normalcy... this idea is something I feel very strongly about. I will not start a rant here because once I start I might never be able to stop *sweats*. Reading this fic brought up all my pent-up emotions regarding this to the surface, and I swear, very few fics are capable of moving me so much.
I will not even comment on the characterization, because it was FLAWLESS and impeccable. The whole story had such a beautiful flow to it.
It was so freaking bittersweet...I just... can't. This goes down on the list of my most favorite SNS fics EVER.
Thank you so much for the wonderful read. :')
snlalaland chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
nice, i loved it :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
NaruSasu isn't my first OTP, but it's the one that's never gone away, and probably never will. I don't think I'll ever stop loving it either.

This fic makes me want to scream at them that divorce is a thing! They're only martyring themselves for no reason and unconsciously hurting their families. Since their hearts lie elsewhere, they can't give their wives everything, and on some level, their wives probably sense it. And if the truth ever came out, as these things inevitably do, it will be all the worse for everyone involved.

Having said that, they aren't the first cheating couple that's ever thought this way. For whatever reason, these two can't (or won't) do anything about their situation. Perhaps they've gotten so used to the status quo that changing their situation is difficult for them to imagine. (It's not that they can't, it's just that they believe they can't.) Perhaps divorce is really uncommon in Konoha and that's why they won't consider it because they don't want the social stigma. Or perhaps the real problem is their relationship itself. If they've never been able to keep their promises to one another, maybe that's the reason why they won't try, because they are afraid of how things would go if they really did try.

32 really isn't old, yet they act as though they are in the later half of their lives and too old to change things! But I suppose the constant guilt, grief, and stress of their situation makes them feel much older than they are. A situation like this one makes me wonder what will happen to them 10 years down the line. Will they both fall to passive acceptance (like Sasuke currently feels), or will there be a breaking point? (The worst thing about a breaking point is that it might not be for the better. They could decide they can't take the situation anymore and choose to distance themselves from one another.) If they ever get discovered, that could be another type of breaking point... Lots to ponder here. Great fic! Thanks for sharing!
cakewalking chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
Awh, how bittersweet. Starting and ending with him calling Naruto by his title. I like how affectionate they are with one another during their intimate moments. Leaves me with a sad feeling though. I want them to be together and to be happy, but I can see why you write them this way instead. It's more realistic :P
ATouchofWinter chapter 1 . 10/9/2016
This was so sad but good. Your stuff always is. That's why I like it. :)
ns73 chapter 1 . 10/7/2016
This story is so full of regrets, especially from Naruto's part. Sasuke seem more resigned to both his feelings as well as the situation they're in. Idk if it's sadder they can no longer be with each other, or that they can't stop thinking about the other. I'm pretty sure if Naruto could reset time, he wouldn't let Sasuke go after knowing what they're going through now...

Anyway, thanks for sharing this. I hope you write more of them.
bartlettpear chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
Sasuke pecking Naruto on the lips consecutively is such a sweet show of easy affection. I like Sasuke's reply and how he's used to putting up with Naruto's tactlessness. Sasuke still able to feel flustered from Naruto and how apparently they always have sex slow and gentle makes me feel giddy. Sasuke putting a palm over his mouth when he cums sounds really sexy. Apparently it is confession night, I like how Naruto can voice his feelings and Sasuke can admit to feeling the same and everything you reveal through their individual or mutual POV so we get to see behind the picture. These two break my heart. I love that you still write them, and how you write them, that never ending love, thank you.
Yoichi-kun chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
Awww that was so sad.

Sorry it's been a while since i've read anything of yours. I've been lazy with my reading.

I really liked this on. This breaks my heart, they should be together. Even if i've never really been into Naruto, I still love this pairing and i think they should be together always!
Mekabella21 chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
Awwww yet again in a world where they can't be together. I am glad they at least acknowledge they are in love. I think Sasuke doesn't call him Naruto outside of their sessions because it hurts too much or maybe it would be harder to hide his love if he did call him by his name. He is trying to draw a line. I totally get it.
MidnightFox chapter 1 . 10/1/2016
333 short but sweet
Profe chapter 1 . 10/1/2016
naruto being hokage makes me happy
good fic as always