Reviews for Turnings
GaijinVamp chapter 3 . 9/19
I love Boston. My kid went to Berklee there. Four years of visits. Fran and her friends soud like the strong women I met while working in NYC.
GaijinVamp chapter 4 . 9/19
Fae magic vampires babies? Telling Jason is like taking out an front page ad in the local newspaper. No way to keep de Castro from finding her now! Sam doesn't need to know. She's not keeping her secret very well. Where's Fran, the voice of reason?
solidae26 chapter 26 . 9/7
Amazing! Thank you
Guest chapter 26 . 9/4
Sorry, but this story was AWFUL
Guest chapter 12 . 9/4
This chapter disgusted me
GlassMazeGazer chapter 21 . 2/12
I was hoping they would get there in time to prevent the asshat from getting to turn Sookie & that Eric would eventually do it. I bet, before she was drained, shewould have been wishing that she hadn’t insisted that Eric not kill Compton all those times in the past, several times.

I’m on the fence about my preference for Eric having gotten to become her Maker & therefore having some control over her for better or worse versus her now being Maker-less & so still being capable of being every bit the same stupid, stubborn, bitchy Sookie only with fangs. I’m not for men controlling women, but the canon Sookie was a hateful bitch who went out of her way to humiliate Eric. I guess I would prefer that there was something solid & out of her control to get in the way of her natural selfishness, self-righteousness, & self-delusions of her own superiority. (I was a fan of Sookie & her potential in the earlier books, but the last half of the book series had me hating her & only hoping things worked out between E & S because it would make him happy.)
GlassMazeGazer chapter 18 . 2/12
If Fran had protective wards in place for Sookie, how was creepy, crazy Bill able to damage her & rape her while Fran is still alive?
GlassMazeGazer chapter 20 . 2/12
They sure took their sweet time getting out to look for Sookie!
GlassMazeGazer chapter 17 . 2/12
Aw man! You made me cry there with the 2nd paragraph from the end.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 16 . 2/12
Gag! As always, the only good Bill is a finally dead Bill.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 13 . 2/12
I get that Eric characters are mostly pragmatic and that he’s making the best of his impossible situation, but my mind always goes back to the Freyda of the SVM series. The interactions in between Eric & Freyda in this story are nauseating to read. The comparison to her book behavior & this story are impossible to avoid since this story acts as a follow-on. It was almost tolerable up to the point that he ramped up his efforts & pretended to become romantic. From that point it began to actually make my stomach churn.

SO...GLAD...SHE’S...FINALLY...DEAD! I don’t think I could have been able to stick with this story to watch them bond.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 12 . 2/12
I guess it’s very in character for a Sookie to put things off to ‘tomorrow’ just like Scarlett, but it seems to go against every mothering instinct to put off having a Rick examined by Ludwig for so long. First, the low iron count should have made her alert to potential big issues with the Fae heritage (iron supplements should at least have been considered a potential hazard) and with him being half vampire it should have been a big red flag that more ‘supernatural’ attention should have been paid to his diet.

She allowed the iron issue to go unexamined by Ludwig then even as Rick began to face other issues & she already knew, via the dentist, that he had fangs waiting to come in, but she still put off seeing Ludwig? Any normal, decent mother would have sought out the right specialist immediately. For a mother with a special needs’ child, how could she realistically do less? I don’t get it other than a somewhat unbelievable literary device to forward the story.

I love that Ludwig called him “Little Fanger.”

It sure seems like right now would be the right time to frankly explain ALL of the related aspects to feeding AND ALL of the triggers for fangs dropping so he isn’t caught off guard the minute some girl truly ‘tickles his fancy.’ It would really suck to be a young teen boy, standing around with friends & suddenly have to deal with both an involuntary erection AND fangs showing. It’s cruel if they leave him uninformed.
Sassyvampmama chapter 26 . 10/15/2019
Loved this, thanks for sharing.
Karine chapter 26 . 10/5/2019
I really loved your story, the series should have ended like this, with a happy ending for Eric and Sookie because they deserve it, really thanks a lot for this story
Parable88 chapter 26 . 8/18/2019
This was beautifully written with a well thought out plot.
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