Reviews for Libido
ForceAlive chapter 5 . 10/19/2017
YAY! Thanks for keepin’ it up, even though you’re busy ‘n all
Oneir-o-logist chapter 4 . 4/19/2017
I'm always so iffy about reading peterlogs in fanfiction because the stories tend to be really dramatic and the writer doesn't translate the characters from the comic to their fiction properly, but you really kept Dave and Rose pretty in character! I was smiling the entire time I read that bit!
MadMaki chapter 4 . 12/20/2016
Hey ! Nice update, I really liked Rose and Dave conversation !

Also, how to make pesterlogs colored! :D When you're editing your fic, on the first page there should be a drop down menu called "Custom Stylesheet" in the section "associations" (almost all the way down), select "Homestuck Skin" in the public work skins, and then once your text is in the text box, you follow the instructions in the link. Careful, you have to do it in "plain text" mode, not in the one that mimics a Word processing thingie. The one with all the paragraph and italics brackets and the apparent code is the one you want. Also careful to surround every line in the appropriate code, beginning and end, even if several lines in a row are by the same character, the html can go weird and only show the first line of text in the appropriate color otherwise. (i think they should be inside the (p)textblahblah(/p) paragraph brackets and not outside them but i'm not sure, but it doesn't hurt to put them inside either way.)

MadMaki chapter 3 . 12/9/2016
... How I long for a Dave POV
Miu-chii chapter 2 . 10/20/2016
I should be disturbed but I'm not really, this is kind of cool. :D You're awesome, like this story.
aerose chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
(regarding the A/N) wow that sounds like a lot of hard work D: I'm really grateful that you share your writing skills on here with all of us :)
MadMaki chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
Hey !
You've still got that good grip on the characters you write, it's such a pleasure to read your work as always ! I didn't expect you to write a new chapter, and even if it's kind of more disturbing than what I'm used to like, I'm getting hyped for the following ones. What a better way than to learn english through Brodave M rated fanfiction am I right. ( sarcasm implied here too ( still loving your work ))
And good luck with all you have besides this !
NikeScaret chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
Um...Intresting? Yeah. You got me morbidly curious now. Yeah. Cool
MadMaki chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
I'm really ashamed to admit I've never clicked on a notification so fast
Good job, I love how canon your description of Bro's mind seems !
aerose chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
I must admit, I've never had the inclination to read any brodave (or any incesty ships for that matter), but I know you've written good fics before so I decided to check it out.
To be technical about it, everything is, as usual, beautifully written. Your writing flows a certain way that really makes it easy to keep going and going until you've read 5 chapters fast enough to break a world record.
Bro's conflict and the way he acts about it is believable. The way it's initiated doesn't seem as awkward and forced as it is usually with non-con fics (even ones where they are consenting but technically can't because of age like this one)
So I guess to wrap this up I'm not gonna jump on the brodave bandwagon or anything like that, but I do plan to read more of this if you do publish any other chapters. Congrats on making a reader out of a ship skeptic such as myself ahah.
Keep up the great work :)
NikeScaret chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
Okay...kind of disturbed...but intrigued. What's gonna happen next?