Reviews for The Look
Guest chapter 36 . 7/19
This was a sweet and happy update. I wonder how Mellie will take the news. It will be funny if they are having twins.
dirtygoldensoul chapter 33 . 7/18
I'm crying, she's adopting him. So happy with their family. Mellie only came because she's jealous which makes her actions even worse.
dirtygoldensoul chapter 14 . 7/18
I love Teddy and Olivia's relationship. She'll make such a great mom for him.
Cfriendly chapter 36 . 7/12
Yes... Liv is expecting. Teddy is so sweet. Cannot wait for the next chapter.
jennkyle chapter 36 . 7/12
I just loved it great job once again and I can't wait for more
Guest chapter 36 . 7/11
These last two chapters were so endearing.
Keep up the great work.
sweetness04fj chapter 36 . 7/9
Beautiful update. I loved reading the care they took in telling everyone about the pregnancy. Teddy was super cute when he found out. He is going to be a good big brother and I can’t wait to read how he reacts when the baby arrives. I loved how she told OPA, that was sweet as well. I love how they love each other.
Tamarral chapter 36 . 7/8
Thus was so good. Loving the reveal they did. Very creative
Markia32 chapter 36 . 7/8
This fic brings me so much warmth and joy! I’m so happy for Olitz and Teddy. My soft spot for that kid will never go away. I just hope Liv listens to her body and takes it easy when needed. Thank you so much for updating!
kkimberly49 chapter 36 . 7/8
I loved reading this chapter. It just gave you all the feels. The announcements were so special and tailored to each person or group. It made it special and memorable, and now that the public knows they can just enjoy being pregnant. Not sure if this was the story you were talking about scarping, but if you did or just worked until you got it right you did an excellent job.
kmack348 chapter 36 . 7/8
Awww Teddy is just the cutest, he's going to be a great big brother. So excited for this new journey of theirs. Thanks for the fab update, XO!
viva1215 chapter 36 . 7/8
Amazing job. Im so glad Teddy was happy and that Liv's parents didn't disappoint her. I cant wait for more.
sister1256 chapter 36 . 7/8
Very good indeed! They are having a baby!
Guest chapter 36 . 7/8
Sweetest chapter EVER!
Guest chapter 36 . 7/8
This was soo sweet. The Grants are totally enjoying their journey into parenthood and their joy is infectious. You write with such love and care that I just could not stop smiling through the whole chapter. Loved Teddy's reaction. It was the best of the lot. Thank you for writing this chapter of pure unadulterated joy. it lifted my spirits and with everything that is going on in the real world, I really needed it.
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