Reviews for Blue Christmas
lojosmom chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
Great story! I love the relationship between Toni's and Mad-Eye. She had to be so stressed with everything happening in her personal life. I could totally see this story happening in canon with J.K.
Jenna98 chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
its nice to see another side to both these characters.
WrenWinterSong chapter 1 . 12/3/2016
This is great. Like you said, Tonks and Mad-Eye are supposed to have this wonderful relationship, but we don't get to see much of it. They deserve more moments like this.

I also really loved that you acknowledged that Tonks would be distressed by more than Remus being Remus. Even Harry originally thought that it was the loss of Sirius that had her so down. I think you captured that really well here.

I love that Moody takes credit for her passing her stealth test. That's absolutely perfect. Almost as perfect as him taking full responsibility for 'constant vigilance'. No one is going to take that away from him!

Overall, this story is simply amazing. You characterised both of them so well, which is so amazing to me since these two seem to be a struggle for many writers, including me. I've read a lot of fanfics where Tonks is only her clumsiness and Moody is only a grizzled old man, but you captured their true selves perfectly. :)
AvidReader2236 chapter 1 . 11/4/2016
Mad Eye is so amazing! Thank you for doing him justice. :)
Gizzy's Mama chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
I love Christmas and like you, can't wait for the holiday season! This story was great and I enjoyed the relationship between Mad Eye and Tonks. My favorite part was Mad Eye not asking Tonks to identify herself since he heard the mug breaking from outside the door. Tonks being a klutz but still a bad a** auror has always made me giggle. I'd never thought about Mad Eye being the one to walk Tonks down the aisle but it makes sense and will be part of my head canon as well now! You're one of the best at taking little moments like these and giving them such life. Maybe you could write a one shot about how Tonks deals with Mad Eye's death. I've never read one before but I'm sure you'd have me in tears.
reppad98 chapter 1 . 10/19/2016
Ah, this is such a nice story. It is indeed mentioned that Mad-Eye and Tonks were close, and it's nice to see this expanded on. It's a bit like I imagined, a mentor kind of relationship, and Mad-Eye trying to be gentle while still being blunt and honest is very much how I would imagine something like that to go. I always really liked the relationship between Remus and Tonks so it's nice to see a mention of that here. I really like how you give minor characters such a spot in the limelight, because I have to admit that when reading books, I usually don't think about how the events in canon affect the other characters. But yeah, this must have been a difficult year, not just for Harry, but also for Tonks and Remus, too, losing his last childhood friend and dealing with his feelings for Tonks. It would be nice to see more about his side of the story, now I think about it, but I guess we'll see that in your huge Remus-centered story ;)
Thank you for writing this, it was a nice story, and keep writing! !
phoenix0flame chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
This was a nice look at their relationship. I always thought of Remus coming to visit Tonks that Christmas but this was better!
Two Crossed Wands chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
Wow, this was beautiful! Oh, Mad-Eye, you barmy, old codger :D I loved the funny little interactions between him and Tonks, and the way he consoles her without being too sentimental. The dialogues "You've done your part, lass" and "Then, we'll move on" just seemed SO Mad-Eye. You've gotten Tonks thoughts/feelings/characterization across really well. Gorgeous writing!
Teddy Lupin's partner in crime chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
I love how consistently you've been posting stories lately! Please please keep it up! :) Anyway, I really enjoyed this. I've always been fascinated by this mentor-mentee relationship. I love how Tonks isn't afraid of Mad-Eye, and how Mad-Eye cares so deeply about her. The banter between them was so much fun to read. I love the idea of Remus asking him to check up on her. But most of all, I liked Tonks's "What the matter is?" speech. I agree that her unhappiness that year was probably due to a lot of things, not just Remus, though he was definitely a major contributing factor. The ending was super sweet.
Imirasa chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
Omg this was precious! I've never read any stories about Mad-Eye, which is sad because he was such a great character! I really like what you've done here, the way he provides her with comfort but doesn't sugarcoat. Most of all, I love that you've showed that despite being depressed, Tonks is as fiesty as ever! I hate when people make her all weak and sad. Great one! Definitely a favourite!
Just-Granger-ine chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
I loved it
MandyinKC chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
I laughed when I saw the title. You really are in a holiday mood!

As I was reading this, I thought: "I have not read enough fics with Mad-Eye." His characterization was great. Tonks, too. I like how you mapped out all of the issues weighting Tonks down, especially chilling was this: "...recovering from a spell that nearly blasted my ribs apart-cast by my mother's sister." Her description made me feel how painful it was, but then the second part left me humbled. What went through Andromeda's mind when she found out (if you're looking for a prompt, hint hint)?

Favorites: Tonks knocking the mug off the table, Mad-Eye saying he knew it was Tonks because he heard the breaking china, "I didn't limp all the way across Scotland for tea," "Steady on, there" (I don't know why, but that phrasing really tickled me), Mad-Eye telling Tonks that he trusts her, and how that makes Tonks feel, Old Man Moody's advice on bravery, but most of all this..."Then, we'll move on." And finally, "Happy Christmas, you mad, old codger."

Really fantastic!
Evangeline Dartmouth chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
Really well done- it was nice getting a peek into Tonks's thoughts and mental state during this time period.
finite7incantatum chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
Perfection! This brought tears to my eyes. I always feel so bad for Tonks when I read HBP, she was going through such a tough time. I'm glad she had Molly - and Moody! - to help her through it. This is officially a part of my head canon now. I love how he tries to comfort her, especially when he says "You've done your part, lass." And I love the part about Moody's honesty and how he doesn't make things easier. And the last line was so sweet. Love this!
lily and james live on chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
Ugh another perfect story as usual! :D I can't even tell you how much I loved this. It was so full of emotion and pain and it made me feel so many different things. I love the way you portrayed their relationship-tough love and gruff affection. Moody's honesty was spot-on, as was Tonks' frustration. I loved her monologue. The last few paragraphs were just beautiful.

PS-I totally feel your pain. I'm dying for Christmas over here.
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