Reviews for Seasons Die Off One by One
Lee walker chapter 28 . 6/23/2018
I have literally just read all of this in a day please say your gonna right more im so devastated by the ending so far i need to know what happens
bonbonpich chapter 28 . 1/30/2018
liked the chapter. i'm so curious who's really responsible. Wesker? for the moment, i even thought it was Chris himself, or Jill, lol. anyways, hope to see next chapter soon :)
Emil Lime chapter 20 . 1/27/2018
Made it to chapter 20! And like I said, I’d leave a review! Still such a fun read. I’m curious about how Piers is still the same after 14 years so I’m hoping some revelations come about that soon.

I also hope Jill gets over Chris soon. As I said previously, the whole jealousy sub-plot just feels out of character to me. I was glad to see some progress on her part, starting to recognize that Chris has always been waiting for Piers despite how many years passed. So I’m hoping her feelings can be resolved.

I liked seeing Leon again and hope we see more of him soon. I’m not sure where Chris got the idea that Leon was trying to take Piers away, but maybe it’s just from the stress? But I enjoyed Leon being back! I really wish that the two of them had gotten more interactions in-game because I do think they’d get along really well. (Maybe when piers comes back to life in a future game? That’s me dreaming haha!)

I’m curious about Steve’s story haha! I’m also hoping we get to read about the night Piers disappeared and see what happened!

I have 8 more chapters until I’m caught up, then I’ll have to stop binge reading :( but ah well!

I’ll see you at the last chapter!
Emil Lime chapter 10 . 1/21/2018
I figure since it’s chapter 10, I’ll leave a review. I found this fic and thought it sounded interesting. Glad I decided to pick it up! I’m enjoying the story so far and really like the slow burn nivanfield going on here! The characters are well written and the mystery of it is intriguing and keeps me reading! I really like the flipping between past and present. It helps give the story more momentum, especially since the present is in that sort of lull state between two major events (piers being found and whatever is about to come). These slower chapters are important to establishing some characterization and getting a feel for what it’s like for everyone involved now that Piers has reappeared. So balancing that with the past chapters, which have some more going on, helps keep the read interesting. You’re doing a good job! I’m hoping to see more Leon soon, haha! I do enjoy him!

My biggest problems are really continuity errors here and there. For example, Chris’ eyes change from blue to brown between chapters. I’m not sure if this is your intent or not, but it’s driving me a little crazy haha! Or Steve’s hair is red instead of blonde. Some continuity with setting has happened, such as in one Precious chapter it was implied that Chris invited Jill to stay the night and now it sounds like Jill actually lives with Chris. But I’m assuming these tiny things happened simply because you’re writing as you go, which is perfectly fine! I’ve done the same thing and inconsistencies crop up. Doesn’t make the story any less enjoyable!

As for being a die-hard nivanfield fan, welcome to the club haha! They’re so perfect together! I don’t disagree that Jill and Chris are easy to write together. They have a good chemistry but I’ve always more seen them as friends (even before Piers was introduced). It does bother me a little how jealous she is of Piers. She’s my favorite female character of the series and I never got the sense she was the jealous type. I do appreciate that you show she feels bad for how jealous she is, so that helps balance it out for me. I can see how it’s be difficult for her, having tried to get with Chris while battling the ghost of the past only for said ghost to come back and complicate things, but I feel like Jill would have moved on from Chris long ago. But that’s my take on it and since you’re the author, you get the final say haha! I’m enjoying it regardless!

So thought I’d let you know I’m continuing on from here! I’ll probably leave a review at chapter 20 or so and then of course at the end of what you’ve got. I sure you’re still updating with some frequency! It surprises me this story doesn’t have more reviews because it’s a good one!

Anyway, back to reading!
bonbonpich chapter 26 . 12/21/2017
thought for moment that Piers is some supernatural entity, appears when Chris wants him and disappears when he thought he's not wanted. good chap!
clariey chapter 27 . 10/23/2017
very well done. please add more chapters, im at chapter 27 and would like to continue reading. thanks! Clariey
clariey chapter 17 . 10/22/2017
i enjoyed your story so far! the sex scenes was very well thought out. great job. i hope u would like to read my Teen Wolf story i put on here! its called "Sister Lost" its very long. check it out. if you want to please hepl me write the sequal. my email is; I am also writing a Resident Evil story please email me and help me deside on what to put in the story. email me or txt me at: 586-430-6723 my cell number! hope to here from u soon. later!
Guest chapter 26 . 9/28/2017
Really enjoying it so far. Shame there's not been an update in a while :(
HiddenVenia chapter 24 . 6/7/2017
That chapter ending: wow

I can't wait to read more as always
HiddenVenia chapter 22 . 5/10/2017
As always I still enjoy every update!
I wish I could give Piers a hug because the poor thing is just having such a rough time
Ryomalkist chapter 20 . 3/20/2017
When I read the 'Jill's' Scene, be like... 'Starts the music and start SingJust be friend's, All we gotta do. Just be friends, it's time to say goodbye. Just be friends, All we gotta do. Just be friends, just be friends. Just be friends..." LOL :v (Being shot by Jill at the head)
HiddenVenia chapter 18 . 2/27/2017
Through out this whole chapter I just kept thinking "well, shit..."
This chapter was an emotional roller coaster and I loved it
HiddenVenia chapter 16 . 2/6/2017
I think you captured the feeling of "alone" and also kinda "lost" very well 8n this chapter! Can't wait to read the next! 3
HiddenVenia chapter 15 . 1/30/2017
I have to say that I think this has been your best chapter so far! Everything was on point! 3
HiddenVenia chapter 14 . 1/25/2017
A good read as always! Even if he and Jill don't realize it, I'm pretty sure Chris is still in love Piers. Anyway, I can't wait to read more!
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