Reviews for Melting
Woadangel chapter 1 . 8/4
That is probably one of the hottest stories I have ever read. So well done. You truly know Tom and B'Elanna. I'm excited to have found you, and plan to do more reading of your stuff!
It's interesting to read the story four years later with your commentary. It's 2020, and I am more upset than I was on election day. Praying and hoping great things happen in November. Also,I love Star Wars and Star Trek in equal measure. Carrie Fisher's death was very hard to take..
Guest chapter 8 . 2/28/2019
This was amazing! It's the best romance I've ever read between the two of them, thank you so much ️
AmyInJapan chapter 8 . 1/18/2018
Wow, just read this and really enjoyed. Thanks.
Amberlioness chapter 8 . 12/12/2017
Wow! An excellent story! A romantic encounter that lasts for nearly 30K words, well, we all should be so lucky. :) And it is a romantic story, not just a hot one. You delve deeply into Tom and B'Elanna's emotions and motivations. Great character work. The overall story arc does progress as well, given not only the progression of their physical relationship, but the issues they work out and the thoughts for the future. I do like the Klingon attributes that you give B'Elanna, it works so well. I also like how you portray both Tom and B'Elanna here. B'Elanna is not too insecure or shrinking-violet like as she's sometimes written. Tom is quite romantic here, but he still retains that rouge-ish charm. I'm also so gratified to see that P/T fic is still being written! I started reading (and writing under another name) in 1997. You may have inspired me to dig out that work and share it with a new audience. Thanks so much!
Gillanna chapter 8 . 9/21/2017
I loved this story. Pure love. Also loved the Cheet-o line. That was a hard night for a lot of us. I think, since it's all still horrible, you should write more Tom and B'Elanna stories to help us make it through each day!
TrekDr chapter 8 . 5/15/2017
I have just read this, thankyou. I agree with your B'Elanna mixture.
rcoach70 chapter 8 . 3/16/2017
Oh my goodness! I love this story! You are an amazing author! I love how much thought you put into the characters' perspective. I am in awe. Thank you for sharing your work!
sheilaghnoonan chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
wow. That was amazing. The perfect balance of smut and plot, it just fit together perfectly. Could you do another chapter which is the day after? Because I would read that.
Desmin Swift chapter 8 . 1/22/2017
Amazing. As usual. I just love your writings. It's so great. Are you writing anything new soon.
maxiefae chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Sareki02 chapter 8 . 1/2/2017
This was quite a ride! Thanks for sharing :D
Orphanedacct474 chapter 8 . 12/30/2016
I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing!
tmtcltb chapter 8 . 12/29/2016
I was really glad you ended the ending with B'Elanna's mind going a mile a minute. She's never struck me as one to sit still or just be (her meditation attempts notwithstanding) and I thought it was very accurate to her character. Thank you for writing this.
Terina00 chapter 8 . 12/29/2016
Is this done, or are there more chapters coming? It's not marked as complete, but the end and the story notes seem to imply that it is.
Babatomyfriends chapter 8 . 12/29/2016
Sooo many great things here that I loved that it seems impossible - or futile even - to try to list them all. How they discuss Sakari, and making love, and ... and ... well, let's just say I'm always so amazed at the way you understand B'Elanna, her conflicts, her strengths and weaknesses, her emotions. That last part with Tom settling with her and she trying to go to sleep and failing is so wonderful to read. This is a great story that should be required reading for all Tom & B'Elanna shippers - and everybody else for that matter - and I will always be grateful to you for writing it.

And yes, I'm still in complete shock over Carrie Fisher :-( And on the same day as Richard Adams, too. Apart from Princess Leia I'll also always remember her as that whacky abandoned bride in Blues Brothers and sweet, dear Marie in When Harry Met Sally. It's just not fair. But then what is?!
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