Reviews for Star Trek: Enterprise - Three Days too Die
Benatwork61 chapter 13 . 5/10
Oh man don’t leave me hanging
Desy chapter 13 . 3/3
Nice, please update soon
1ttrobinson chapter 13 . 3/1
Poignant, heartbreaking. Also gave me a headache. Thank you for another installment.
Kayjordan chapter 12 . 1/27
Excellent chapter. I love this story. Keep up the great work. Eagerly awaiting your next installment.
1ttrobinson chapter 12 . 1/26
Glad you're back. I like that you're using the bond in this story. Can't wait for the next installment.
desy chapter 11 . 1/5
Great story! I love how you usw their bond. I guess this story takes place during season 3or at the beginning oft 4?
Guest chapter 11 . 1/2
Great story!
I do hope to see more chapters for this story soon.
Keep up the good work.
1ttrobinson chapter 11 . 10/29/2019
Thank you so much for the update. It took so long I was afraid it would never update. I love how the bond manifested itself. Please update soon. I really like how you show T'Pols conflicted feelings. Thanks again.
kitterkatt chapter 11 . 10/29/2019
Eek! I’m so excited for the next chapter. Well done!
1ttrobinson chapter 10 . 8/24/2019
Thank you for the update. It's great. Hopefully not so long till the next one. :-)
Debbie Hicks chapter 10 . 8/20/2019
11. Chapter 11. Trip was in a Strange healing state then he felt strange the his Brain patterns were alien but Vulcan roaring from here he was in fact sick very sick Phlox it is his Time his what pon'farr Trip these ears are real implanted your eyebrows grew from the fire you are her husband shared a Vampire bond it's telepathic but he is telepathic fully time parnemently how very formal he wears his new name is Solin Solin Captain please he had a very soft gravely voice velvetly but cold like Edward Cullen's he forgot to take them off hair grew in Bangs abormally Was Dressed From Star Trek First Contact was Traditional Vulcan robes shoes socks his dress shoes were shined but polished the toxin was Dying he was Healing very weird too weird the faster in a Vulcan healing trance the hair stopped growing then his skin took on a sallow look then he moaned but groan his mind-voice T'Pol your mind to my mind your thoughts our minds one and whole then a alien planetary power a roaring alien Votrex blaring loudly but it was blaring his powers of the mind Blaring the toxic venom apart then T'Pol was locked to him telepathically then it was Too Late Trip your mind to my mind your thoughts to my thoughts he opened his mouth Tiv Tiver Narooon it was Give me Success! then Dawn he is ill he is in the fires say something T'Pol wear tese then then herself wore Different Vulcan robes for him was from The movie hair still short had grew a little wore a veil the news blared from both planets a Healing bonding was presided in outer space by Dawn Read Spier it said What thee are about to see comes from the time of the beginning without change this is the Vulcan heart this is the Vulcan soul this is Our way it was sent to the Vulcans her daughter chosen a very sick husband was in heat it was the Vulcan way to order to have children T'Pol chose him name it's Solin by now dressed in robes he's ill he is also telepathic by mind then how ill he looks it is plak tov blood fever the priestess is a a Starfleet officer ordered the bonding to resume its course yikes he fled with his dog then High Master yes she may have children by noontime gasp Phlox the mating ceremony is on Vulcan Reed he's in heat barge the doors it's coming he is screaming at me
is sweating Sato heard them oh no Sir! a mating ritual harrrrrrrrrrummph! he grumbled he could not sleep of two doing uh oh Trip your ears are pointed yes urgh my head he thrusted his own hands hardest both eyes of different worlds met the a Koon'ut'slik was implanted my desire to be your mate no one have you are my wife forever bound t'll apart but never part never always touching and touched s for our days for as all tomorrows to you my husband who Am I Take me I am Chattel gasp she's his but chattel thanks for seeing them it's real it is a Vulcan marriage proposal T'Vas what this him taking a wife it's true thanks Mom the news raged onto both planets was a roaring then it was real but true Ladies we are Acolytes yikes oh a dog yes a Beagle like who Snoopy from the Peanuts the small child move over goin' on in there a child yes move over Reed cool you work with weapons that lethal to boot Wicked! pardon it's a minting bond it's true .
Mudstalker chapter 9 . 8/18/2019
I really love the story you've got going on here. You've got some great angles you can take this- for instance, will Trip believe that Archer is still alive when (and if) he survives? Will Phlox have a difficult time making the antitoxin? You've still got some good twists you can throw in there, plus some good foundation work with your characters. It's difficult to finish a story when you've put it down for so long, but it's doable if you reread what you wrote and work on it little by little. Anyway, love what you've got so far!
Azure27 chapter 9 . 1/28/2019
Wonderful! Thank you-looking forward to what comes next.
daryalkami5 chapter 9 . 12/18/2018
Oh excited to see new chapters! I hope you continue :)
1ttrobinson chapter 8 . 12/10/2018
What happened to the stun setting? Overall I like the story, but this was kinda an odd chapter. That said thank you for the effort, I do like the story and the enterprise fix.
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