Reviews for Schema
TheEliteLabRatsLover chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
Aww, this was so great! I loved how it started off so angsty and then became complete. And everyone was in character it was amazing. You are such an amazing writer. And I love every one of your stories. ;)
Silver-Infinite chapter 1 . 11/9/2016
You always keep it interesting
Anon chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
This is awesome! you are the master, friend Truffles! Tangentially, I LOVE Julian driving the getaway car! The reluctant, grumpy ally...
silverwolvesarecool chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
Nicely done

I cracked up with the H.R./Cisco dynamic. Something tells me Earth-19 Wells will make the series more interesting.

Good job depicting Julian as a jerk. He's softening though which is good...somewhat.
TrueLoveExists02 chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
I love how you brought Julian into this! As disappointing as it was that there was no real fight in last night's episode, I still really enjoyed it because it gave a lot of great depth the Julian's character. This story is the best of both worlds, it was an awesome fight and we still get insight into who Julian is as a person. And the way you weaved in the new complicated friendship that Cisco and Barry have was fantastic. Even if Barry and Cisco are friends again, it doesn't change the fact that Cisco is still mourning his brother, and Barry is still dealing with the fact that it's largely his fault. Great story, as always!
TeddyBear98 chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
Omg I really love this. Very well-written. I love the concept of the monster actually being real, and Barry trying to show Julian he is still human. Also the fact that you address Dante and Barry feeling guilty over that still, because that's definitely not touched upon enough in the show. Would have honestly loved to see something like this in the episode rather than what actually happened. Again, love it! Amazing job!