Reviews for When Hermione Fights
Cat chapter 137 . 6/10
I‘ve loved this story in German. I’ve loved the story in English.
You guys are all doing an amazing job with translations and beta work!
Way better than I used to do it.
The amount of patience, dedication and time this needs is humongous!
And I can only say, you’re doing an amazing job!

Remember: Haters gonna hate. Feel sorry for them people. They got no life.

Stay strong.

Lots of Love.
Cat (you know which one)
SmiletoCry chapter 136 . 6/3
Honestly such an phenomenal book, I am completely in love and can’t wait for the next chapter! Keep it up you are doing amazing! Have a great day! :)
szabo.alexandra1991 chapter 136 . 6/2
Oh my god. I love it and for that readers' information. If you don't like it don't read it it is that simple. They work hard for those who enjoy there work. I am always happy for the update! Thank you for all the work you put into this to translate for those of us who couldn't bother to learn a 3. language. Virtual hug!
JJGYET chapter 136 . 5/27
I have been reading this story for longer than my first marriage lasted, and longer than I have been with my current beloved, and I must say it has always been a fascinating piece of literature for me!

I am honestly shocked I have not left a review in the last 4 years, alas it has been a wild time.

The twists and turns, the revelations and secrets! I am quite smitten with this work and do hope for more to come as you are able to pen!

Most excited to see the fallout with her men and her after this event!
gayforginnyandfl chapter 135 . 5/12
Lol this is the most stupid fucking shit fanfic I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Dunno why I'm still reading this shit but I'm not longer gonna hurt my fucking eyes and brain with this crap. You can't write for shit and this stupid fuckin bitch is nothing like book Hermione. You're just using Hermione as your damn self insert to do all the fucking things you wanna do through her . At least if you're gonna use a self insert don't use Hermione's fucking name and create a freakin OC but that's not gonna give you views lol. And I bet you can't create your own character for shit because you suck and so does your writing. Book Hermione was nothing like the femme fatale and perfect flawless goddess y'all love to make her. Book Hermione has flaws that make her interesting. And why the fuck are the death eaters who're her parents' age and wanted to kill her suddenly interested in her lmao and protecting her. She's a freaking Muggleborn and their whole fucking cause is to kill people like her and there's nothing unique about her to make them see her as an exception (they'd never even if she looked like Fleur and was as smart as McGonagall) Dramione is good but the rest is icky. Also not to mention this fic smells of misogyny. You're a fuckin woman yourself yet you downgrade other woman to uplift Hermione because she's your fuckin self insert. You're sickening excuse of a human and please don't write this crap. People are only reading this because they all see Hermione as their self insert and want these things to happen to them, not because you're a good writer lmao. That's the last fuckin thing you are.
szabo.alexandra1991 chapter 135 . 5/14
It ends in cliffie. crap. bit still Thank you for the update it was awesome! Virtual hug!
KEZZ 1 chapter 135 . 5/8
Wonderful chapter
Guest chapter 120 . 4/24
This chapter is amazing as well! *virtual hugs*
Vivian Darkloom chapter 115 . 4/24
Hello! I know its been awhile but I'm back to read this amazing story! As usual this chapter was result captivating, with love

Vivian 3
szabo.alexandra1991 chapter 134 . 4/26
OMG, the dates! I hope she figures it out the meaning it was awesome! the overexcited Ron, the party she has to design and Snape I loved it so much. Thank you for the update. Virtual hug!
StarryKnight2 chapter 134 . 4/23
Lol, thanks! I was looking at my email every hour to see if this book got updated or not, and the second I saw that it was updated I immediately started to read this chapter.
szabo.alexandra1991 chapter 133 . 4/10
great chapter. I can't wait for her to return to the Manor. I like Ron more and more (which is the weirdest thing ever cuz normally I can't stand the guy) Virtual hug!
StarryKnight2 chapter 133 . 4/9
XD I finally caught up! -_- only because I stay up until 4 A.M. reading this addictive book, that I can't stop reading! You have my full support!
StarryKnight2 chapter 119 . 4/9
I love this sooooo much! I literally was reading it at midnight till four A.M.
StarryKnight2 chapter 68 . 3/27
Yesh Professor Snape ya got to stop throwing glass at Hermione or you are going to have to buy more glasses
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