Reviews for What's Changed?
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
I actually really liked this. I found the subversion of Tai not having the chance to n5k apologize to the two of them to be really refreshing, and I get where he's coming from, being a protective older brother and all.
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
I'm not surprised that Kari didn’t talk to Tai after he had punched TK. He’s being rather overprotective there, especially spying on them like that lol. He’s got nothing to worry about though because it’s TK who Kari is dating and Tai should know that TK would never hurt her. The last scene was great when Tai realises that Kari’s happiness is the most important thing. Great work and well done! :D
LILFOC chapter 1 . 11/12/2016
This was so cute! (albeit cheesy)
I loved the indication the essentially have 'six older siblings' (it would have been hilarious if all of the showed up)and they fact that their relationship is essentially the same but with Kissing.
I'm surprised Taichi didn't even receive harsh words from Yamato for decking TK.
Great story!
Mr.Baratheon97 chapter 1 . 11/12/2016
Aw, this is cute! It's nice to see that Tai can cope with his inner turmoil. This is solid - but could use a proofread, which I myself am really out of practice of lol keep it up, would love to find out if Kari forgives Tai