Reviews for Until We Close Our Eyes For Good
LunaBianca chapter 1 . 7/9/2017
Nice scenes. I like how you paint Sam's despair without wallowing in each glimpse. And there's the sustaining constant of a brother. :)
cmr2014 chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
I misread "constants" as "constraints" at first, and thought this was going to be a whole 'nother kind of story.

Man, Sam in 1990 feels pretty burned out already.

"He checks the time on his phone. 4:21 AM."
Well hell, man, no wonder you keep nodding off. Caffeine can only do so much, and don't you even think about tweaking, dude. Just grab a couple hours' sack time, that way you won't sleep-test and mark E for every question when it's an essay exam.

"Got a couple guys in monkey suits blackmailing each other over some chick's murder."
That's like half the crime movies back in them days, doesn't really help figure out the title.

You just keep getting up and making it through the day, man. That's The Job. It's just - it's what you gotta do. You're a waste of air otherwise.

THAT was a damn good look at how Sam must have felt after he got his soul back. Good job!

"Sam wishes he could too."
Been there. Again, you just keep getting up and making it through the day. It's what you gotta do. Fight through it.

"Dean is the only reason Sam's still going."
And Sam is the only reason Dean's still going.
At some point, they're going to have to either work through this and find a way to let go, or else just find a way to die together. What they've been doing thus far is not working out so well.

A very good collection of moments that illustrates Sam's POV, thank you much!
waitingforAslan chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
Nice perspective through the years, each one brief but vividly capturing a scene.

"Dean while sand rains red" - creepy! Sounds like a scary dream.

"He can't read any harder" - so true. You can't read HARDER. But you can sense his desperation that he CAN just to make up for what he did.

Favorite part: Sam refusing to give in to Toni's accusations followed by the memory from 10x23: "He's never, ever gonna say that Dean - the real Dean - is anything but good." It was just such a perfect place to insert that.
hollyhobbit101 chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
Wow. This was so powerful and so moving and so SAM. I could just hear him coming through so well and it was very sad and altogether perfect.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
So heartbreaking, poor Sam. He always loses everything and everyone no matter what he does but still finds the strength to keep going. Great job, thank you.
MeTheMagicalMuggle chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
I guess I'm a "Sam girl," so this really hurt to read. But it was great! I thought your choice in moments to use was really strong, and you showed Sam's struggle well even though he always tried to fight it and keep on.
Serpico1986 chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
Sad, but nice story, congratulations! I really enjoyed it
NAVILLUS chapter 1 . 11/12/2016