Reviews for Reset
zaylo267 chapter 21 . 5/24
all the effort to lose the memory scanner Oo
zaylo267 chapter 20 . 7/22/2019
Just like hershel, in trouble duo XD
anonym chapter 19 . 11/8/2018
Thank you so much for updating! All the details you've put into this story are really amazing! For instance, Roddy's dad? I had no idea he was even lost, until you brought him up! I wonder how DP has been handling his stuff now that he's gotta be Luke's decoy, but hopefully he won't get caught.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/13/2017
While this story gets a bit ludicrous for me at times, it’s concept and execution is deeply original. The premise of time-traveling Luke is insanely brilliant, and there are moments when it shines.

Key criticisms are that you don’t seem to have a definite plan of conflict, besides master Target villains. When Layton died, I was shocked and the implications to consider was astounding; without the Professor’s aid or association, Luke would have to rise to become the main hero and protagonist of the entire series.

But that didn’t happen. You brought Layton back through Deus ex Machina and had Luke resolve each game/movie conflict seemingly effortlessly. You changed the focus to him resolving all the little conflicts while battling evil Targent agents and their unbelievable schemes.

The key to Layton stories is that while, yes, crazy things happen like fake towns and revived dead, the narrative does not drop it on the reader instantly. The world is realistic and builds up to the great reveal. Even in Unwound Futute, with its grand scale ending it built up to that throughout the story. Dropping a revived Layton on us with no reveal or designation sticks out as ameuteurish or absurd.

That said, I like how you make Luke grow closer ties with the cast of each game (and the movie) and rely on them for support. I think a better way to have gone about this would be for Luke to be forced to create plans to resolve each conflict and execute them. Professor Layton is a puzzle solving series, and the entire predicament is one big puzzle.

Seeing more creative solutions would instantly brighten the whole story and establish it as a Layton story. For instance, while a stretch, I can see a potential idea where Luke teams up with Descole. Descole would be untrusting and a bit of a rogue ally, but as Luke pushes to prove himself and the authenticity of his story, that would change and they would trust each other more. Descole, as being on the other side of the law could help Luke execute strategies without his parent’s knowledge. It would also prevent Miracle Mask from occurring.

I guess my biggest grief is that I thought this was going somewhere specific, but it would appear it isn’t. The conflict given at the exposition is Luke wishing he could go on adventures with the professor again. I thought that Luke being forced to grow up and become fully competent as an individual was the direction the story was going, but instead we are treated with inventive drama that feels almost alien to all the things Layton fans will love and enjoy.

Apologies if I was too brutal in this review. Like I said, it’s a brilliant concept and I would challenge anyone to take it and make it meaningful. As a work of free fiction to read, it certainly passes the time and shows ingenuity and familiarity with the Layton series. Thank you.
Laytonerd chapter 18 . 12/8/2017
It's nice to see Ari narrates with her own view. She's my favourite PL girl and have a lot of potential, yet only few people writes her.
Yay, Sammy is BAAAAAAC- *gets a stern stare from Hershel* Are you planned to make Claire and Bill appears in this story? (I hope the later gets... uh... killed or something if you did.)
This fic become more exciting as it goes...
Guest chapter 17 . 8/23/2017
Here comes that manatee!
I can totally imagine Emmy throwing plates like a ninja, like BAM! FWOOSH! CLING!
Guest chapter 16 . 8/18/2017
Hello! Um, I know this might be weird for me to put a message/ad/review, but Imma do it: Hi, MJ! You might not remember me, heehee. I used to be FloraReinhold65! I'm not on this site anymore, but you can find me on Skinseed! I have the same username, and I write books, too. I hope you'll come check it out. If you do, you MUST read my friend's book, OUT! It's sooo amazing! Her name is Author_Quiet. Anyway, I love this story so much! I love Flora too, huehuehue. Good job, well done. Anyway, goodbye, have a lovely day, join Skinseed, thanks for taking your time to read this, and don't forget to smile :D (could you possibly say hi to Abby for me?)
Laytonerd chapter 15 . 6/18/2017
Hahaha, our favourite trash is smelly!
Seriously though, Clive's stalking Luke and his friends at St. Mystere? Hmm... it seems that Clive will become a major villain for this story. Why he tried to kidnap Clark/Hershel?
BTW, did you plan to write some fighting scenes for this fic? Maybe Clive vs Luke/Hershel/Arianna/Emmy? (my imagination went wild again...)
OK, that's enough. As usual, I'll wait for next chapter! :)
Guest chapter 15 . 6/12/2017
What! So much things in this chap, I need to reconsider my hypothesis!
Goob job as always, keep going!
A Non A Mouse chapter 13 . 5/16/2017
Actually in love with this story! I always keep an eye on your story, just so I don't miss an update! Haha. Can't wait to see what happens in St Mystere! :D
Guest chapter 13 . 5/12/2017
Aloha! It's past midnight, i'm telling myself to sleep, and then BAM! Your fic!
"Guess twenty more minutes won't change.."
Laytonerd chapter 12 . 5/7/2017
Hello there! Sorry for not read and reviewing few past chapters; I'm kinda busy lately.
Wow, I never expected that both of Sammy and Katia made an appearance in the Eternal Diva arc! They're more obscure characters from PL, and yet you managed to make them more memorable than they are in DB/PB. However, I'm wondering, is Anthony will appears in this fic?
The part where Luke asked Emmy to give him martial arts lessons made me giggles. I start to imagine Luke starts kicking some butts with equally-badass Arianna literally breaking someone's leg... I think I can't look them with the same way again.
The scenes where Luke "dies" and Hershel "possessed" Clark surprised me, though. I'm grateful that the PL series was supposed to be kids-friendly; otherwise, the scenes might be as dark as this or even much darker (Though honestly, that kids-friendly thingy kinda limits the stories' growth.)
Enough for my babbling for now. I will wait for the next chapter of this great story!
BadPlace chapter 12 . 4/22/2017
Loved this chapter, MJ. Tony is so cute! Yay, Lady Dahlia! That means Flora! :) Can't wait for the next chapter!
Sophyahria chapter 11 . 4/16/2017
Love how you bring in the Detragan. It's quite a powerful machine if you think about it. And wow, Descole must be really desperate doing this...
Guest chapter 11 . 4/15/2017
Why is there always a cliffhanger that stuck me on my chair, dying to new what will happen next! Why such a cruel thing?!
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