Reviews for Skies
Catulla chapter 19 . 2/3
I love this story so so much. He’s such a sketchy creeper, it’s ridiculous, and I love it. You are my new favorite and I’m working my way through all your stories now.
jhsbradford chapter 18 . 10/7/2018
I really adore everything I've read of yours, but this one in particular has such complex notes and layers that it would be a shame to leave it unfinished. I look forward to the 2.0.
Allthings chapter 18 . 2/16/2018
Really good story...awesome! Thank you verry much!
Guest chapter 18 . 2/2/2018
Great writing, great characters, great plot.
But for respect for those readers who only choose to read completed five, this should not be marked as completed. It was indeed upsetting to go through that great ride, looking forward to so much and that. Disappointed.
SecundaRP chapter 18 . 1/23/2018
I feel disappointed that this story is not finished, since I was looking for completed fics. Don't get me wrong, I really liked it, I read so fast it should be forbidden. It's very different and well written (sometimes challenging for me, someone who doesn't have English as first language). I hope you do go foward with the idea of Skies 2.0. I also have a suggestion to change the status of the fic to "In-Progress" and let us know when there is a new version.
pobrediabla chapter 17 . 1/15/2018
I would have never thought that I would 1) read and 2) LOVE a roadtrip fic! Ok, this is a super fic, and I really hope that you'll continue it and give it a few more chapters and a proper ending. Seriously this is awesome.
MommaMoka13 chapter 17 . 1/11/2018
Wow, I have never loved a story more than I love this one. It’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to continue or redo it or whatever you decide.
Littlebug21 chapter 18 . 1/10/2018
I have never ever EVER read an AU fanfic that I love. And because of this story- this freaking aggrivating, twisting, whimsical, doppy, and angsty story- that is no longer true. I saved this story for last after reading all your other reylo stories and because I so thoroughly enjoyed reading those I thought ‘eh, why not?’ But oh my goodness! I didnt expect to be so enwrapped in this story. I love it! I love it so much but I’m also miffed that you have rewrite it when it’s already so damn good. I guess this gives me another chance to enjoy these two goof balls full of angst. I literally had to take a minute and let all my moans and groans out from everything I was feeling. I just applaud your excellent writing, besides some misspelled/smushed together words and the occasional wrong pronoun, but the feelings that Rey expienced were so powerful. I could go on and on but I’m sure you got the message already. I look forward to Skies 2.0, a part of me will miss this version, but I do look forward to more excellent angst, whimsy, and Kylo Boners. Keep up the good work! :)
tasu7 chapter 18 . 1/9/2018
sounds good! I'm looking forward to Skies 2.0.
just a suggestion- maybe keep this up until Skies 2.0 and post another chapter update letting us know that the new one is up, that way we will get an email notification of a chapter update and know when you repost right away.
excited for an updated version!
Eyes So Quiet chapter 18 . 1/9/2018
woah! I'm so glad you're still making something out of this. I was afraid you abandoned it forever. I can't wait to see what you have in mind.
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 17 . 1/8/2018
This was such a crazy, wild, emotional ride! You write suspense and drama and panic so well!
I must say I'm a little disappointed with the ending. I mean, little answers were given. Even though our dynamic duo is still together, and it sounds like Rey will be OK. I had hoped for a little more.
Regardless, the journey was good and I enjoyed this Reylo AU with its bit of supernatural. Thanks!
Llawless chapter 17 . 12/26/2017
Is this really the end end? The story is great. I love it. I want you to continue, but I wonder why it is marked completed when it is obviously not finished. You seem to be more half or two thirds. There's a lot building that hasn't been resolved, and a lot of questions to answer. I hope you continue, but please, let us know if is abandoned or not in an author's note so our hearts can deal with the break up. More thoughts: you're talented. I read 1-17 non-stop, and though you worried in author's notes about being slow, it moved at a great pace for me. You have my full interest in the answers to the questions you've posed. How and why did Kylo start following her? Visions? Is Snoke betraying Kylo? (Probably). What the hell is Hux's overall goal? Does Leia show up as a player? Does Rey figure this all out? The only complaint I have with her (not your writing. The character. Who is well rounded and flawed), is if he was messing with me as much as with her, I'd leave him in the desert. Serves him right. He's hot, but the secrets, manipulation, and scary possessiveness would push many people over the edge into flight mode. I think it would be good for her self development to truly say no to him instead of throwing a tantrum then submitting just fours hors later, especially considering what cesspool he's dragged her innocent ass into. It would be meaningful for her to leave him, actually think or talk to people, then truly choose to be with him later, separate from desperation or manipulation. The dead policeman has definitely made a desperate bond, but not, in my mind, a truly loving one. Infatuation, yes. But how can she love if she can't get her head on straight for five minutes? If I'm wrong, I hope you write more to correct me. In short, I just hope you write more. I hope it's still fun, not a chore. Good job on what you've written so far and happy trails.
lipwip chapter 17 . 10/31/2017
Is this the end?
blackwolfmajik chapter 17 . 8/26/2017
Always thrilled to see when this one is updated - it's really well done. Characterization and setting are unique and realistic - too many times we see trauma portrayed in extremes: either glossed over or amped too high.
This felt just right, :)
ImpetuousAllure chapter 15 . 7/17/2017
I really hope there's going to be an update soon. Left me hanging! This story is really different, but really good.
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