Reviews for Burning Brighter Than Stars In The Night Sky
YaleAceBella12 chapter 8 . 6/13
Please write more.
YaleAceBella12 chapter 6 . 6/12
Please write more.
rachel625 chapter 6 . 10/16/2017
Please update again soon!
Nancy chapter 6 . 9/5/2017
And my question right along with Lorelai, is, when did Luke get so smart? His logic, his calmness is very, very helpful. And, Lorelai apparently never really let Rory know about her personal struggles when Rory was growing up. Rory is going to have to find out, but again, Luke is right. Lorelai is not Emily; Rory will not be driven into the unknown: she will have a great support system: Lorelai, Luke, and Jess. But, she must not take advantage of the support. In time, all goals can be met. Thanks. More soon please.
AJ Granger chapter 6 . 9/5/2017
Interesting story. I like Luke's idea that Lorelai be straight with Rory on what she gave up to be there for Rory and to support her. That said, both Rory and Lorelai need to be realistic. Rory may do better to delay a year before starting Yale. That gives her time to go through the pregnancy keeping her stress down and working out what she and Jess want to do. The fact that he came back for his child says a lot about Jess. He also has a strong work ethic and he knows he wants to be there for the baby. If you follow canon, he also loves Rory. Many will say he did this to her or ruined her life, but she made choices as well. Frankly, a good parent would have gotten her on birth control when she started seriously dating. It takes months for birth control to become effective. If Lorelai had done that then it wouldn't matter that they didn't use a condom. That said, I hope that Rory and Jess talk things out, and that Jess stays and works. I think he has the potential of being a great dad. I'm not as sure of Rory because there are other things she wants, and if she doesn't go for them I think she will possibly resent the child for the loss of opportunity. If her grandparents will pay for Yale, the young couple could live with Lorelai to save money,. If Jess continues as in canon and writes, he can be the stay at home dad, while Rory goes to school.

I look forward to more.
jordana60 chapter 6 . 9/7/2017
You're taking this story to a place I've never really seen here before, and it is amazing! I love that Jess came back, and I especially love Jess and Lorelai "bonding". I'm excited to be on this journey with you!
kpop38 chapter 6 . 9/6/2017
Who would have thought Luke would be so calm. I give Jess credit for not bailing on Rory.
Nancy chapter 5 . 5/12/2017
Well, who is the mature one here! Applause , and more applause for Jess for acting so quickly and for doing the right thing. Time for a major strategy session for Jess and Rory along with input from Lorelai and Luke. Jess cares; he is not acting selfish; he says he is not his father and wants "to be in my kid's life" - wonderful! They have a lot to discuss and a lot to learn. Thanks. More soon please.
Droolia chapter 5 . 5/13/2017
Saying all those things to Lorelai, he must have officially won her over. He processed that information way quicker than Rory did. It's funny how much more mature she is, here pregnant at 18 than in so many of the other stories where she's pregnant with Logan's kid at 32. I know it's a story so the comparison isn't really fair, but I think this Rory is a way stronger Rory than the lost one in her 30s. With Jess around, they may be able to make it. She can still do school while he watches the kid during the day. I'm so proud of him for coming back and manning up. Thanks!
cinti.linda chapter 5 . 5/11/2017
i loved
Droolia chapter 4 . 3/25/2017
Thanks for introducing a little bit of humor at the end there. She definitely has a lot to figure out, but she can't complain. Lorelai did it and at a much younger age.
verynearlysouffled chapter 4 . 3/23/2017
i can't wait to see where you take this! i can't say i've read too many fics with young jess and rory, and pregnancy like this (well, at least not since the revival when jess is all grown up and doesn't act like such a asshole and things are a lot more ~pleasant between them), so i'm interested to see how you have them dealing with this
jenson40 chapter 4 . 3/22/2017
I love it! Great job and I can't wait to hear more! I liked how you made the baby a boy because that is like never seen in Gilmore Girls fanfics! Incredible job and I will be anticipating your updates!
Nancy chapter 3 . 3/8/2017
It is totally out in the open now. What will be the plan? Is Jess going to be part of this? thanks. More soon please.
The Cancer Man chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
Give me an update...
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