Reviews for Scars
atomicsub927 chapter 3 . 7/24
Excellent choice in drink. It's by far the most sane choice for a cocktail. XD
alliesmiley2 chapter 34 . 3/23
This is amazing and wonderful! I love this so much!
AyundeShellzZ chapter 1 . 3/15
Well written story
lolyncut chapter 23 . 12/8/2019
I hope Diana Reid is OK with Spencer marrying a woman she hasn't met yet. Sorry I haven't been reviewing. I'm rereading this story and reading about on Facebook about the impeachment crap.
lolyncut chapter 16 . 12/8/2019
It's going to take the team a long time to get that scenario out of their mind.
lolyncut chapter 11 . 12/8/2019
I hope they got all the girls out of there. I really don't care about the men. It they were killed so be it. I do hope, though, that the majority of the a**holes will be sent to prison.
lolyncut chapter 34 . 8/31/2019
I love the ending. Both Reid and Molly have been lonely for so long. Now, they, not only found each other, but have a family. I can't wait to read another one of your stories.
lolyncut chapter 28 . 8/31/2019
I am really glad Reid is starting to remember things.
lolyncut chapter 15 . 8/26/2019
Somehow, I don't believe either one of them. This is ch. 15 and there's 34 total. There's a heck of a lot of time left. Right now, I don't see this ending happily. I hope I'm wrong.
lolyncut chapter 14 . 8/26/2019
Of all the people to show up, why am I NOT surprised to see Gideon. I've always thought he was a pompous ass and coward. He still may be, but I hope he can hope Reid get through his grief.
lolyncut chapter 9 . 8/26/2019
Who are these people and may they all rot in hell.
musicluver246 chapter 24 . 8/20/2019
Great story so far.
lolyncut chapter 8 . 8/17/2019
Jeez, how in the world are they going to find her? The BAU is busy on another case. Reid should quickly realized that she did the only thing she could by changing her entire life story.
lolyncut chapter 6 . 8/16/2019
Reid is going to be so sore. I hope Molly understands he's going got be hurting all over for awhile.
lolyncut chapter 4 . 8/14/2019
I wonder if she is pregnant from another "liaison"
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