Reviews for Father's Favourite
TrollFicLand chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
This is beautiful.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I want to like Albus but he seems so petty in Cursed Child. I felt for Scorpius, who had real problem with the rumors about his parentage and Astoria passed away, and then Albus constantly made it about himself and not Scorpius.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
A cute and simple story.

The Crimson Mage.
aesthetic umbrella chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
aww this is cute 3
Cuchufleta PL chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I wish Harry told him that he's half-Sytherin, that if not for prejudices and Hagrid's and Ron's influence, he'd have ended up there. I think that what you did, make Albus feel loved and cared of, it's more important to repair their father-son relationship, but, I dunno, I think it would be nice if Harry (also in cannon) confessed that. One of Albus' main family issues is that he feels like the black sheep of a Gryffindor family, and showing him that his father could have been a Slytherin like him, that people aren't divided in Houses and that you can be more than one at the same time, would be a relief for him.
But the thing here is that he feels less loved than his siblings, so maybe that's not necessary.
Anyway, I loved this. Albus' emotions felt so real. I actually can understand him like I had to endure the same as him (I didn'tI'm, literally, like Lily: girl with two elder brothers). I can't say if this is well-written or not because, you see, I don't really speak English, but it seemed good enough to me.
Great job!
WolfWinks chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
This was amazing! Truly amazing! I had tears in my eyes, but I was also smiling the whole time. It was everything I asked for and so much more! Thank you so much for writing this, it was amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Nanettez chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
Locking his eyes onto Albus' own hazel eyes
Albus was the only child who had Harry’s green eyes.