Reviews for Morgana
drew1998 chapter 29 . 2/4
AndreKl chapter 29 . 12/6/2016
At the end, it had to end this way.
Arthur was always a daddy's boy. He had two priorities.
1.) Please Uther
2.) Eliminate everything and everyone (e.g. Kara), who had the courage to confront him and his "honored" knights with their crimes against magic.

Merlin reduced himself to a weapon/bodyguard of Arthur and the key elements of the prophecy (freeing magic, uniting old and new ways, peace, etc.) didn't matter to him.

Morgana was so obsessed by "her destiny" that she couldn't see any difference between Uther and Arthur - there is a difference but it is not as big as many people like to believe. I call him Uther-light.

So maybe, the world is better without Arthur and Morgana. Unfortunately, the Queen Guinevere of the show was a big dissappointment. She became even more magic-hating than Arthur. Possible that she would use Merlin as a weapon against any kind of resistance.

Sorry, to write this here. But there is no Happy ending - with so much idiots running around.
AndreKl chapter 25 . 12/4/2016
... like a soap opera.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/1/2016
Love this story! I like the way you have depicted both merlin and Morgana, can't wait for more
AndreKl chapter 23 . 12/3/2016
Well, this was definitely a huge twist.
CuriousityIsKillingMe chapter 23 . 12/3/2016
I know right? Mordred looks so much like Morgana and Merlin! I was like "You sure Mordred isn't your kid" when I first saw him.
CuriousityIsKillingMe chapter 14 . 11/30/2016
Did you pre-write this? Dang those updates go fast! I like this story. Has a nice touch to it and loads more interaction between Merlin and Morgana.