Reviews for Snowflakes Fall and So Did I
Guest chapter 35 . 8/29
Two long lost separable sisters who disperse by parting company, live their own opposite foster home-lifestyles which put as much distance between them, especially wherever they grow up/survive elsewhere as unrelated, sister-less only children at hearts separately.

Two long lost separable sisters who’re opposites, posed as if they were unrelated, sister-less only children.
AU Over Canon chapter 34 . 8/29
Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's Point Of View

I've been living here in California's oversized mega mansion away from the Arendelle mansion since I was a 7 year old homeschool 2nd grader since one traumatic accident in the ice skating rink, whereas, Anna ended up living elsewhere in Burgess, Pennsylvania since she was a 5 year old public elementary school kindergartner, where, Rapunzel still lives with Aunt Arianna and Uncle Frederick elsewhere in the Corona mansion which is in Burgess, Pennsylvania. I'm graduating homeschool this year, whereas, Anna's attending Burgess High School in Pennsylvania this year, where, Rapunzel's becoming Burgess High School's graduate in June this year.
AU Over Canon chapter 1 . 8/29
Snowflakes Fall and So Did I
By: CrazyAnimationChick

Full summary inside: When Elsa's real parents, Agnarr and Iduna depart for business overseas this year, they allowed Elsa to be home-schooled during her (Elsa's) senior year, like they allowed her sister, Anna to attend city public schools for years until her (Anna's) sophomore year of city public high school. Their relatives, their aunt, uncle and cousin live elsewhere in Burgess; the same town wherever another traumatic accident took place years before that resulted in the slight memory losses for her (Elsa) and Anna. Elsa's still being raised elsewhere in California's oversized mega mansion wherever she grew up to be a sister-less only child at heart since she was 7. She's graduating homeschool this year after years of being home-schooled all her entire life since she was 3, will she be able to handle her senior year of homeschool without Agnarr and Iduna? After all, it's just ten months. What could possibly go wrong?

Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's Point Of View

My cousin, Rapunzel Corona was born on the Summer Solstice in/on June 21st, where, I was born on the Winter Solstice in/on December 21st, whereas, my younger sister, Anna Arendelle was born on the Spring/Vernal Equinox in/on March 20th. Rapunzel, Anna and I were born on the 1st days of seasons. Anna and I were like the sisters Rapunzel lacks on her own since she's (Rapunzel's) Aunt Arianna and Uncle Frederick's only, one child/daughter/Mama and Papa's only, one niece. I'm the splitting image of Mama, except for the fact that I have platinum blonde hair, where, Mama has brunette hair. Things would've been better off if only I told Anna, Rapunzel and our friend, Olaf no, I'd still have a relationship bond with them. And more importantly...another traumatic accident in Burgess, Pennsylvania wouldn't happen. On Christmas Eve, it'll be exactly 11 years since double traumatic accident. Anna forgot, whereas, I'll remember that day until I die, however, there's no way I could envy Anna for having no knowledge of what really happened. I was the one who helped Anna, Rapunzel and Olaf sneak out, spun Anna on the ice and accidentally let her go. Anna got hurt under my care/watch and lost her memories from past 3 days... I turned 8 on December, 21st, 3 days before another traumatic accident at the ice frozen pond on the lake, outside in the forest woods, behind the Corona mansion in Burgess, Pennsylvania. My 8th birthday party was the last thing Anna remembered. Aunt Arianna and Uncle Frederick traditionally hosted their annual Christmas Eve Party for everyone in town to attend at the Corona mansion elsewhere in Burgess, Pennsylvania. The party normally bored, not me, however, Anna, Rapunzel and Olaf as usual. In fact, Olaf, Rapunzel and Anna were normally bored out of their minds, unlike me. I remained by Mama's and Papa's sides for the majority of the night, so they could introduce me to their business partners and their children which was my responsibility as the heiress to Papa's architecture industry. Rapunzel was supposed to do the same since she's the heiress to Uncle Frederick's industry, and she stayed by their (Aunt Arianna's and Uncle Frederick's) sides for a while, however, that just lasted probably about 30 minutes before she snuck off to play together with Anna and Olaf. Aunt Arianna and Uncle Frederick let it slide, though. My relatives run the Corona Beer Company. What kind of child wants to listen to adults talk about improvements to beer? Anyway, I remained glued to Mama and Papa for much longer than that, probably for about 2 or 3 hours. I wanted to make Mama and Papa proud, however, I didn't have Rapunzel's courage to get up and leave. I needed the learn everything that I could before Papa begun teaching me himself. Eventually though, I was sent to play together with the other children. Neither Anna, Rapunzel, nor Olaf liked those other kids due to them being snobby and begged me to take them outside to play in the snow. I wish I could say no, however, I've given in. We've snuck out and played in the backyard of the Corona mansion. However, it didn't satisfy Anna. She still wanted to explore the woods. I still wish I could tell her no, however, I've still given in... The moon was our only source of light as we traveled very, very deep into the snowy forest behind the Corona mansion before we eventually came across a frozen pond on the lake. They were being the curious children who decided to play on it. Olaf, being the only boy who wanted to show off how brave he was, got on the ice first to test it. When it didn't crack, Anna and Rapunzel were quick to get on it, too. I was the only skeptical one. However, I've given in to my playful side anyway. Everything was going perfectly fine at first, however, then I asked Anna if she'd like for me to spin her which was something I regret forever. She agreed, and I've carefully gone slower the first few rounds. However, Anna wanted me to spin her faster since she likes fast. I gripped her wrists harder, tried my best to keep my balance as she lifted off the ground when I spun her. Unfortunately, I lost my balance, accidentally let her go and fell hard on my rear much, whereas, Anna fell on her head hard/laid on the ice in front of me, a few feet away from me, ended up bleeding from her head until she was unconscious. The ice cracked, but I didn't even bother to think of the consequences of dashing toward her like I should've. Due to my extra weight when I ran toward Anna, the broken ice fell apart before Anna fell into the water. I screamed out Anna's name, until an older man who wore a safe protective diving suit, came sprinting towards us out of nowhere and dove into water immediately. I remained frozen in fear on the unbroken ice, staring at the hole Anna fell through with fear in my wide eyes. Rapunzel cried from a nearby tree, where, Olaf called out to me, however, I couldn't focus on anything else but ice before I was merely able to snap out of it when I felt someone grab my hand to drag me away towards land which was a white haired, sparkled like blue eyed boy who's around my age, kept calling out for his father when we were both on land much to my confusion since the boy's father dove into the water for Anna to save her life, resurfaced with her in his arms much to my realization, performed CPR on Anna. Anna coughed up a lot of water, however, she was breathing, though. Rapunzel and Olaf followed the tracks we made, have gotten help, ran faster than lightning, leaving me with Anna, her savior, and his son. I held Anna in my arms tightly. I was sure I've given Anna bruises, however, Anna was still unconscious. The boy merely kept watching us with sadness in his eyes. His father told me and his son that everything was going to be okay. It was still the most awkward, most terrifying situation I've ever been in. I should've been more responsible. The boy's father wore a safe protective diving suit to save him from shivering worse than Anna was, dying of hypothermia/frostbite and his fingers from beginning to turn blue. Rapunzel and Olaf came back with help. We've taken Anna elsewhere to Pennsylvania's hospital. Anna suffered a minor concussion/slight memory loss. Dr. Grand Pabbie Stone was right. There was a chance Anna wouldn't remember what truly happened to her. We figured that out the following day when Mama, Papa and I left Burgess, Pennsylvania to return back home to California. Anna remembers none of it since she lost her memories from past 3 days prior to the traumatic accident in the ice skating rink here in California because neither Mama nor Papa ever wanted Anna to know what truly caused her (Anna) to end up in the hospital nor overwhelm her (Anna). We're lucky it wasn't Anna's entire life that she forgot. The accident was very traumatic for me. Mama and Papa told me the traumatic accident wasn't my fault, however, it was, nobody else's. The secret brought me nothing but mixed feelings for 11 years. By not knowing, Anna won't have to feel the same guilt I felt 11 years, however, at the same time...Anna doesn't know the truth which is killing me. Anna and I became separable sisters who ended up posing as if we were unrelated, sister-less, cousin-less only children. We've (Anna and I have) been living our own opposite, distant home-lifestyles/places since I was 7, whereas, she was 5 after traumatic accident in the ice skating rink. It was too late to rekindle my relationship with Anna and Rapunzel which caused me more grief and guilt. I haven't even seen Olaf last 11 years, either. I hope life's treating him well. Rapunzel didn't want to go back to doing the online thing since having online classes and actual classes would be too much of a hassle for her. Mama and Papa are departing California for other, different states/continents/countries across overseas for business this year before they return to see me graduate homeschool. Mama and Papa traditionally hosted their own annual Christmas Eve Party for everyone in town to attend at the Arendelle mansion, here in California every year, including me. Everything was going perfectly better than ever since I've carefully gone slower on the ice skating rink to safely avoid anymore traumatic accidents/rustiness. Going back elsewhere to Burgess, Pennsylvania after 11 years is still certainly going to do me any neither good nor better...since another traumatic accident took place. California and Pennsylvania are different, distant North American states. I've grown up here in California, whereas, Anna grew up elsewhere in Burgess, Pennsylvania which put as much distance between us where we (Anna and I) live separately. Rapunzel's graduating public high school in June this year, where, at least I'm graduating homeschool here in California this year after being home-schooled all my entire life since I was 3, whereas, Anna's still in public high school this year. Burgess High School's the home of the Rowdy Reindeers. I never have a mascot, just the family crest. There’s no reason to take Rapunzel nor Anna away from public school to put them in homeschool with Aunt Arianna, Uncle Frederick, Mama nor Papa since they've been attending Burgess, Pennsylvania's city public schools for years (Rapunzel attended public schools for 11 years until her senior year of Burgess High School before her public high school graduation in June this year, where, Anna attended public schools for 9 years until her sophomore year of Burgess High School) nor change me to attend city public school in my last years of being a full-time homeschool 12th grade senior this year because they're (Anna and Rapunzel are) already used to public schools, being around lots of new people, having lots of socializing skills with their peers (including their public school bus-mates, public schoolmates, classmates and other public schoolers/students), new classes, new environments, lots of job skill training, public school field trips to go onto, everything else strange...anything else adventurous and exciting for them, whereas, I'm more comfortable at home, learning my lessons with Mama, Papa, my homeschool private tutors, my online teachers and not simply used to being around lots of strangers. And here I am, laying awake on my own bed, wondering how will I handle my senior year of homeschool without Mama and Papa.
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/28
Elsa and Anna Arendelle - A classical tale of two separable sisters who live in different, distant North American states, learn differently over the years; One grew up to be a public schooler since kindergarten until her public high school graduation was Anna and the other grew up to be a homeschooler since at her young age of 3 until her homeschool graduation was Elsa.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/28
Two separable sisters who’re opposites, posed as if they were unrelated, sister-less only children.

Two separable sisters who disperse by parting company, live their own opposite foster home-lifestyles which put as much distance between them, especially wherever they grow up/survive elsewhere as unrelated, sister-less only children at hearts separately.
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/28
Elsa grew up to be a homeschooler, whereas,
Anna, Rapunzel and Olaf have grown up to be public schoolers.

Elsa graduated homeschool which is elsewhere in California, whereas, Anna still attended public high school for her junior year, where, Olaf and Rapunzel graduated public high school by becoming Burgess High School's graduates.
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/27
Olaf, Rapunzel and Anna have grown up to be public schoolers, whereas, Elsa grew up to be a homeschooler.

Olaf and Rapunzel graduated public high school by becoming Burgess High School's graduates, where, Anna still attended public high school for her junior year, whereas, Elsa graduated homeschool which is elsewhere in California.
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/27
Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's Point Of View

~After homeschool 12th grade senior graduation~

Mama, Papa and I were elsewhere at one of California's fancy restaurants. We sat at the table together, talking to each other about the past while we're waiting since they arrived home before they came to see me graduate homeschool today. Mama smiled at me. "We are very proud of you, Elsa." "Thank you." Papa sighed, speaking to me. "You know, none of it would've happened if only you and Anna have chosen to stay elsewhere in Arendelle mansion with us, you two would've grown up together with us, however, you two are truly more used to learning differently than being homeschooled together. Therefore, letting Anna grow up to be another public schooler's better than forcing her to grow up to be another homeschooler, like you," Which saddened me, "Sweetheart, we all miss Anna a lot."
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/27
~Burgess, Pennsylvania~

Jack was practicing for his first hockey game of the season. The first game's tomorrow and so many people are going, including Olaf. If his (Olaf's) other old childhood friend, Elsa was here, he'd (Olaf would) probably tell her something very positive and give her a hug if only they (Elsa and Olaf) see each other in person again. He (Olaf), Anna and Rapunzel may have grown up to be public schoolers and gotten other friends (whether their own different friends or share the same friends in common), however, he thinks of his other old childhood friend every year after school and work. He (Olaf) sighed. "I miss you, Elsa, I wish you were here in Burgess, Pennsylvania, too. I wish you were Burgess High School's other 12th grade senior student this year, too, however, you're already more comfortable at home, learning your lessons with yours and Anna's parents, your homeschool private tutors, my online teachers and not simply used to being around lots of strangers. You're already graduating homeschool this year, whereas, Anna's still in public high school this year, where, Rapunzel and I are graduating public high school in June this year."

"Well if it isn't my favorite twin duo," Eugene approached the table my associates were at and take a seat. Their usual meet up's a very well known pub called The Snuggly Duckling, which, in all honesty, is kinda cute for a dirty, smelly drinking hole. His classmate, Thalia works here as well, so she always hits him up with the best drinks. "Finally," Sideburns took one last swig of his drink, a Corona Beer, the kind that Frederick's the owner of, the kind of industry that Rapunzel's legit the heiress of. The other twin, Patchy, takes one last drink of his beverage too, and in unison, the brothers get to their feet. "Wait, where are you going?" Eugene asked, still sitting. "I just got here. I just sat down. You're really going to have me get back up?" Eugene doesn't know which one growls first, but he knows Patchy's the one who puts his hands on me and lifted him out of his seat and onto his feet with ease. So much ease. Which isn't fair. "There," he snarled, "Now let's go. We have a job to do." "Obviously," Eugene grumbled under my breath and luckily, neither of those two giants heard me. Must be nice being over 10 feet tall. "So what are we doing?" Eugene asked once he's inside their mysterious white van. "Who're we robbing this time?" But to his surprise, the brothers looked at each other and smirk, not responding to him at all. "Alright fine, keep your secrets then." But to say I was surprised minutes later when we pulled up into an old, disgusting motel, would be an understatement. What the hell are we doing here? What does this place have that's worthy of stealing? Patchy, the one eyed brother who shouldn't have been driving, parked the van, but kept it running. "Get in the driver's seat," he ordered Eugene, "and when we get back, you better be prepared for the drive of your life." His eyes widened as he was surprised but also flattered. "Are you making me your escape driver? Because hell yeah! Vin Diesel wishes he could drive like me." They replied as they usually scowled, rolling their eyes and have gotten out of the van. Unfortunately, Eugene obeyed and made himself comfortable in the van's driver's seat, tapping on the steering wheel in anticipation. They weren't gone for long, 5 minutes exactly, but when he saw them coming back, a third person who was with them, is currently draped over Patchy's shoulder, body entirely limp which means they're either knocked out or...dead. He leaned his head out the window with shock in his eyes and shouted without meaning to: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" But neither of those twin brothers paid no attention to Eugene and rushed into the van, Patchy pretty much dropping the person, a male from what Eugene could tell, as soon as he got in. "DRIVE!" Both brothers yelled, snapping Eugene out of his frozen shock. Eugene got them out of there quickly, and as soon as he was in the street, he was panicking. "What the fuck did you guys just do?!" Eugene asked with his heart racing. "Did we just kidnap someone? Who's that? I signed up to be a Thief and a Dealer, but not when it comes to other people! How often do you guys kidnap people?! What the actual fuck-" "Just shut up and take us here," Sideburns showed Eugene the text on his Burner phone, an address about an hour away from here. Eugene gulped, my throat going dry, and he kept his mouth shut as he drove off. Sideburns leaned forward to turn the radio on, but not once did Eugene hear anything over the thundering of my heart. And when he looked into the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of the man's face, his pounding heart stopped completely because the person they kidnapped just so happens to be Hans.
AU Over Canon chapter 34 . 8/27
Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's Point Of View

Then (~California's oversized mega mansion~ Back when Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle was a 7 (will turn 8 on the Winter Solstice in December) year old 2nd grader/full-time homeschooler until her age of 17 (18th birthday on the Winter Solstice in December)/future full-time homeschool graduation, whereas, Anna Arendelle was a 5 (will turn 6 on the Spring Equinox in March) year old public elementary schooler/kindergartner until her age of 15 (16th birthday on the Spring Equinox in March)/sophomore year of Burgess High School, where, Rapunzel Corona was an 8 year old public elementary schooler/2nd grader until her age of 18/senior year of Burgess High School/future public high school graduation in June):
"My birthday's before Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!" "What a lucky little princess you are, child." "Thank you." "You are very welcome, child." I sighed.
"I see. You're giving up your old life as a big sister for your new life as a sister-less only child, are you not?" I nodded. "You're posing as if you're a not only brother-less, but also sister-less, cousin-less only child, are you not?" I nodded. "I wouldn't have done this if only I hadn't let the accident happen in the first place." "I understand, child." Which was before I asked. "You heard about the traumatic accident, too?" "Indeed, yes I have." Which stunned me. "Does that shock you, child?" I nodded. "Would you prefer if I've never known about it?" I nodded. "Sweetheart, I'm afraid I have already been told about it which was until you ended up moving out of Arendelle mansion and living here." Hearing that, I lowered my head down with tears forming my eyes/streaming down my face. "Don't cry, child, things will turn out better for you. I assure you." However, I wasn't sure if they really will.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/27
Heather - 9th grade freshman? 10th grade sophomore? 11th grade junior? 12th grade senior?

Thalia - 9th grade freshman? 10th grade sophomore? 11th grade junior? 12th grade senior?
Guest chapter 35 . 8/27
Thalia (Justin and the Knights of Valor) grew up to be a public schooler, didn't she? Tell me Thalia (Justin and the Knights of Valor) grew up to be a public schooler.
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/27
~Burgess, Pennsylvania~

Eugene Fitzherbert Flynn Rider's Point Of View

Anna saw Hans again, which resulted only in him breaking her heart, which resulted with her running towards her childless, surrogate parents, Ben and Marlana and her surrogate elder sisterly friend, Melina for comfort as usual, yada yada yada. None of it would've happened if Hans hadn't broken Anna's heart.

Meanwhile, Anna threw her head back and slouched back in her seat at the table. "Ugh, can we please take a break? I can't go on any longer." "You still have two more years of Burgess High School and even more so if you decided to go to college." Rapunzel reminded Anna which made her (Anna) groan deeply. "Of course I'm going to college, however, I'd rather not think about that right now." "The faster you get your homework done, the faster you can no longer work on it anymore." Anna groaned again and dropped her head to rest against her textbook on the table. "You're never going to survive college," Rapunzel teased Anna which earned her (Rapunzel) a gently shove from her (Anna).
"Rude," Anna stuck out her tongue before those two cousins giggle like children. Which was a euphoric feeling. "If anyone won't survive college, it's a tie between Jack and Flynn," Anna went on. "I honestly can't choose who'd survive and who wouldn't." "Flynn would survive all the way. They're both very smart and charismatic, but Flynn has a way with words that Jack doesn't have all the time. Don't tell him I said that though. Flynn that is. It's funny when he thinks his charm doesn't work on me." Anna's eyes lighted up. "So does that mean it does?!" Rapunzel grinned. "Well...maybe." Anna's squeal was cute, however, deafening. "I knew it!" "You know nothing!" "You literally just confirmed it!" "Did I though?" "Hwaaaaaa?!" The two cousins lost their focus on their homework. Rapunzel smirked in amusement. She stuck out her tongue, making Anna giggle. Her (Rapunzel's) face reddened as she laughed, giving her (Anna) a shove.

Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's Point Of View

~California's oversized mega ice palace~
I've been focusing on my homework without any distractions to keep up the higher grades. I'm not really ready to graduate homeschool this year, however, this is my one, last year of homeschool. I sighed, knowing that my future homeschool graduation will happen.
AU Over Canon chapter 35 . 8/27
Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's Point Of View

Year After Next Year (~Before 12th grade senior public high school graduation in June~ 20 (will turn 21 on the Winter Solstice in December) year old Snow Queen Elsa Winter Arendelle's junior year of California's expensive actual college, 18 (will turn 19 on the Spring Equinox in March) year old Anna Arendelle's public high school graduation in June/freshman year of New Jersey's actual college and 20 (will turn 21 on the Summer Solstice in June) year old Rapunzel Corona's junior year of Burgess, Pennsylvania's actual college): Despite looking older, he hasn't changed at all. Same freckled skin, same buck teeth, same curly brown hair, same wide and bright eyes, same chubby cheeks. Same Olaf! My old friend! The one I haven't seen in years, either since another traumatic accident at the ice frozen pond on the lake, outside in the forest woods, behind the Corona mansion. He currently stared at me with confusion in his eyes. "Uh yes?" He chuckled nervously. "That's what my name-tag says." However, when he looked down at his shirt, which had no name-tag, he gasped and slightly turned to face his working coworkers. "Why didn't anyone tell me my name-tag is missing?!" However, he was ignored, which he seemed to have expected since he turned his attention back to Rapunzel, her other old friends and I rather quickly. "Please excuse them. They have bad habits of being impolite. My name is Olaf, however, you seem to have already know that. Have we met before? You look very familiar." "Olaf, it's me, your other old friend, Elsa Winter Arendelle. You and I used to hang out together, too!" I reminded WITH my eyes tearing up at the memories of him, Rapunzel, Anna and I together, at seeing him now, at him not remembering me. "Our parents are business partners.-" However, he gasped again, eyes going wide as they filled with shock, even if he cut me off. He gained some attention. "Elsa?!" I nodded. "Elsa! It's you! I can't believe it's you! I knew face of yours looked familiar! Come here!" And before I knew what was happening, he reached forward, pulling me into a warm hug. I hugged him back, and nearly sobbed, filled with happiness, which completely overpowered my earlier sadness, "I missed you, Olaf. It's so good to see you again!" He pulled away from me with his grin reaching to his ears, "I missed you, too, Elsa. It's good to see you again, too. How have you been?" "Okay. I've been a homeschool graduate who attended California's expensive college last 2 years." "Really?" I nodded. "Wow," "Do you have friends for me to meet in person, too?" I asked Olaf. "Sure, Elsa, I'm about to tell you. These are my coworkers." He turned his head and called his coworkers in introduction: "Guys! This is my other old friend, Rapunzel's other cousin, Anna's sister, Elsa!" Which resulted in his coworkers looking at each other and smiled at me. "Hi, glad to meet you, Elsa." "Yeah, it's very nice to meet you, Elsa." "Thank you. Pleasure's all mine." I smiled back. Olaf's coworkers have gone back on their tasks. Olaf immediately linked his arm through mine. "So," he started, "where shall I begin? The traumatic accident at the ice frozen pond on the lake, outside in the forest woods, behind the Corona mansion was one, last time you and I have seen each other which was during," Olaf turned to look at Rapunzel, "your parents' Christmas Eve party," Olaf looked at me again, "even after you and Anna ended up growing up in different, distant North American states since you need more free personal space in case you have a lot of trauma in you. My dad became stricter than he was, even in between times before and after the party, but," Olaf looked at Rapunzel. "at least you, Anna and I still keep contact with each other. We still have fun together," Olaf looked at me, "even if you were still home-schooled elsewhere in California. As the years have gone on, with me not becoming the heir my dad wanted me to be, I made a life for myself at such a young age, even if I've grown up to be another public schooler, like," Olaf looked at Rapunzel, "you and Anna have until we graduated public high school in June at 18. I work at the hospital as a cook and volunteers to cheer up patients whenever he can with warm hugs and even better, with CHOCOLATE, too!" If that doesn't cheer someone up, they're seriously coldhearted, like I became after the traumatic accident in the ice skating rink. No wonder I'm California's Snow Queen. "I especially love it when the holidays come around," Olaf smiled at me. "Our old public high school principal, North looks like Santa Clause, dresses up and visits the kids!" Which caused the image of his and Rapunzel's old public high school principal to flash through my mind. "I've taken her to meet him in person today when we came to see Anna graduate public high school this year." Rapunzel told Olaf as she looked at me. Olaf gasped as he looked at me. "Really? She met him?" I nodded. "I've been meaning to ask him what I want for Christmas for years. Anyway, the same man you met in person was actually our old public high school school principal. He's even another one of our old friends, Jack Frost's grandpa." "Wow," I breathed out in astonishment with eyes twinkling, "You two are lucky to have other friends! Anna's lucky to have other friends, too! Which is amazing!" Olaf nodded in agreement. "I know, right?! And our other old friend, Kristoff takes care of the reindeer on North's reindeer ranch. He even owns one named Sven." "Is Anna okay?" I asked Olaf with concern in my eyes. "She's okay." Olaf assured me. "We've been Burgess High School's graduates last 2 years, where, Anna's graduating public high school today this year." Rapunzel added as he looked at Olaf. They're (Olaf, Rapunzel and Anna are) very lucky to grow up to be public schoolers, whereas, I've grown up to be a homeschooler. Olaf gave me an apologetic look. "Too bad we had to have fun without you since you have a lot of trauma in you, even if you were still home-schooled elsewhere in California." I sighed. "If only I hadn't allowed the traumatic accident to occur in the ice skating rink in California and at the ice frozen pond on the lake, outside in the forest woods, behind the Corona mansion. I pushed Anna away since the traumatic accident in the ice skating rink back in California since I was 7, whereas, Anna was 5. No wonder Anna and I have been raised in different, distant North American states as a sister-less only children at hearts separately for years." Olaf told me. "You're human, too. And being human means making mistakes. You know you want to fix it. And trust me when I say this, making mistakes is simple, whereas, undoing mistakes is tough. All you got to do is apologize to Anna only if you're ready." "Olaf's right, Elsa." Rapunzel agreed. "You're right. The Anna I remember needs me no matter what." Olaf smiled at me. "It was nice seeing you again, too." I smiled back, "It was so nice seeing you again, too, Olaf. I thought we'd never see each other again. Do you want to come with us?" I asked Olaf. "I'd love to hang out with you more, however, I have to get back to work. I'm trying this thing called 'responsibility'. Which is something I've been working on for years. Apparently, it comes with wisdom. Which comes with age and change, and the older, I get the wiser I get. However, I'll visit when I'm off. Don't worry, Elsa, your cousin and sister have already given to me their phone numbers and I've give them mine, too in case we call each other if we have nothing else much to do." Olaf assured me. I sent a silent prayer to God that no obstacle would come in Olaf's way that would prevent him from seeing me again. He's the exact kind of medicine that I need to make me happy. When that was done, Olaf and I hugged each other one last time, and away the three of us have gone. When he got back to work, I couldn't help but to smile at him and Rapunzel. I'm glad he works elsewhere at the hospital. His hugs can really be the best medicine you can give someone, especially for the children who're in there. "You, Olaf and Anna are lucky to have other old friends." "Thanks, Els." "You're welcome." "Olaf and I have thought about you during holidays and your birthdays since you and Anna ended up living in different, distant North American states after traumatic accident at the ice frozen pond on the lake, outside in the forest woods, behind the Corona mansion. Even our during public school years, our public elementary school years, our public middle school years and our public high school years." "What about Anna?" I asked Rapunzel. "She thought about me, too, right?" "I wish she had, but she never talked or thought about you that much anymore since she ended up elsewhere living together with her own childless, surrogate parents, Ben and Marlana back when she was just 5, not even during the holidays, not even during our birthdays, either, not even during our public elementary school years, not even during our public middle school years and not even during our public high school years. Ben and Marlana allowed Anna to grow up to be another public schooler to gain not just indoor, but outdoor life experiences to save her boredom since neither of them are her homeschool teachers. Melina's Anna's surrogate, sworn elder soul sister figure. She's the exact same age as you and I." Which broke my heart. Anna thought about anyone who at least never intends to push her away. This Melina person was the replacement Anna found for me when I wasn't around. I can't really blame Anna for finding any replacements for me. Anna and I are still better off raised as sister-less only children at hearts in different, distant North American states separately.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/27
Why you had to follow Disney's Frozen 1's canon events/storyline anyway?
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