Reviews for The Countless Consequences of Winning
lalalei chapter 48 . 4/9/2019
I read this entire story in one night and I loved the blend of silliness and seriousness! The shadow magic was really intriguing, and I liked how the Devil's Board Game came into play agaim! (Love the cliffhanger ending too!) I get the feeling Domino has a couple months left at most. XD;
Guest chapter 48 . 11/4/2017
Beautiful. This entire fic is fucking amazing, made me care about fucking Duke Devlin of all characters, better just deserts for Kaiba than a mindrape or a moment of humility. Literally only part I didnt like was when you inserted an AN to preempt that your one duel was gonna be a lame pop culture gag, but hey
Guest chapter 8 . 11/4/2017
This story is fucking clever
KendrixTermina chapter 48 . 10/11/2017
So Gainax ending it is then.
Thank you!
KendrixTermina chapter 47 . 10/11/2017
So they kind of ended up making Kaiba work for THEM, or bringing their goals in alignment XD

I'd also like to praise how this fic is pretty long but still easy & fluid to read.
KendrixTermina chapter 46 . 10/11/2017
Like the "cleanup interview" format.
KendrixTermina chapter 45 . 10/11/2017
Black Magic is not a toy and poor Bakura has the worst luck. Though that was quite a brave moment for him right there.
KendrixTermina chapter 44 . 10/11/2017
Well that's some plot twist. That may actually hit

This has been a rather... interesting fanfic, seeing this idealistic power-of-friendship type character flung into the celebrity image dilemma, then it suddenly turned into a horror story in which Kaiba gets to suffer (His defiant attitude makes him such a good victim tho) and the wonkyness went through the roof when poor Bakura got dragged into it, always mantained an interesting balance of humor and semi-logical extrapolation.

Aww, Uno. Reminds me of my childhood. Yay for the dragon jokes too. And that brave little Kuriboh, classic.
Silent guy 123 chapter 48 . 6/5/2017
I like the concept of the story.
presea221 chapter 48 . 12/16/2016
I'm not surprised that Kaiba wasn't happy in the end. Honestly, I think the guy needed therapy. He didn't even have a purpose in his life anymore. The ending with Kaiba considering blowing everybody up was good because it was sort of like a possible consequence that could result from Ryuuji and Yugi playing god with shadow magic and just assuming that everything would turn out alright in the end. I really liked this story because it was dark, but at the same time had a humor all of it's own to it. Great story!
presea221 chapter 47 . 12/16/2016
It looks like Yugi and Ryuuji are finally able to enjoy their work thanks to Yugi's shadow magic condition. I don't know what Kaiba will do, but his reaction to all of this sounded quite amusing. Finding a new game might be a nightmare for him!
presea221 chapter 46 . 12/16/2016
I'm glad that Ryou didn't lose his soul. It looks like Ryou and Ryuuji really did forget everything. Thank god that Devil's Board is destroyed!
angiembabe chapter 48 . 12/16/2016
It's a shame this has ended. I really enjoyed reading a refreshingly different story.
There was noting wrong with the ending. It left the reader wondering about Kaiba's mental stability. And although I have never seen 5D, wasn't Domino destroyed and rebuilt in that? Maybe Kaiba pressed the button.
presea221 chapter 45 . 12/15/2016
Oh my god, no! I knew this was a bad idea! This is all Ryuuji's fault for bringing this game out in the first place! I really hope that Ryou doesn't lose his soul! He is too nice to deserve something like this!
presea221 chapter 44 . 12/15/2016
Those cards were hilarious! So I guess Yugi likes CandyLand and Clue! lol! Yugi's decision to change the terms of the shadow magic threw me for a loop! And sadly, Kaiba really DOES have an obsession with dueling Yugi. But I don't think Yugi should have offered Kaiba the chance to play other games with him. Because wouldn't he just get obsessed with that, too? Great chapter!
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