Reviews for Scared of Water
Bennyweirlover17 chapter 1 . 10/23/2017
This is really good
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
Super cute and the friendship between the four is awesome! I hope your writing more!
ivylene.h chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Aww this was really cute! Other than the horrible fact of why Jack was afraid of water the rest of it was cute :) You're really good at writing it has a natural flow. I really hope you'll write more of these four!
Infrared-Ultraviolet chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
JACK AND RAPUNZEL, SITTIN' IN A TREE! That part was SO cute :D I love the way they interact and how he gets all embarrassed that they're sitting close together X3
Awwwww, poor Jack :( I feel so bad for him, having to watch all his friends have fun in the water without him.
Hahaha I love Merida in this! Especially when she devoured her sandwich in a matter of seconds XD Classic Merida!
I kinda wonder why Jack chooses not to eat. Like can he physically not? He seems like the sort of person who would want to eat for its own sake, whether or not he actually needed to. Maybe he's just never hungry?
Oh my god, I could FEEL the tension when Jack started talking about him drowning! So sweet of Rapunzel to try and comfort him! I would really have had no idea what to do. I'd probably be pulling a Hiccup or Merida XD
"Immortality had its peaks, his personal favorite being that he didn't get BO" Hahahaha! That WOULD be great!
"Jack had a talent for making harmless situations extremely awkward" SAME!
Lol at Hiccup realizing he's being a third wheel and inching awkwardly away XD Classic Hiccup!
Awwww, that Jackunzel moment at the end! You teach him to swim real good, Punzie :3
What a nice little story! I love the way you write these four. They're all so in-character! And your Jackunzel hints are adorable. If you wrote more Big Four stories, I'd definitely read them! (providing they didn't feature all of Jack's friends growing old without him or something depressing like that)