Reviews for The XXXX You Say
AaronD1 chapter 2 . 7/7
I don't even know what the fuck this is. It sure isn't recognizable as a harry potter story.
digbygreen chapter 10 . 5/19
Luna is MoD?! How did I miss that? Great story.
Bronze chapter 13 . 4/16
You do realize that Beltane on Mars would enable Harry to Impregnate every female member of the Regiment plus all his wives in one night? a night on Mars is 25 hours long. And now Gliese 832c? I can see the U.N Security Council when they find out about that! If the U.N had a cow over Harry owning Mars, they'd have a Mega herd over Gliese 832c! Poor Harry and his family would spend all their time milking all those damn cows! ;) I really enjoyed rereading this once again. I'd love to read any more you add to it.
Bronze chapter 6 . 4/14
In every chapter, I get loads of laughs! By the end of this Harry's gonna have a harem of contracted women. And if Riddle had any hair, he'd be pulling it out by the handful long before Harry kills him!
Bronze chapter 1 . 4/13
I've read this at least once before and so enjoyed it I'm back to reread it! Fumblemort's not gonna be a very happy camper once he realizes that Harry's not only done a runner but has given up his English citizenship as well. Or maybe he's just moved to America and retained his citizenship. Though that leaves him open to being dragged back to fight Fumblemort's war. Of course, it won't be said that way but that's what it'll truly be.
Kai chapter 8 . 3/21

calvary is not the same as

Written like that, one below the other, the difference in spelling is readily identifiable. The difference in meaning is:

Calvary is the hill in Jerusalem where the Romans crucified their criminals, Jesus among them.
Cavalry is the branch of military with horses. Or helicopters, keeping the name for traditions' sake.

Since helicopters are an important tool in the story, and since the story takes place in Britain and USA, and not in Israel, cavalry would be better.
Kai chapter 7 . 3/20
Nice Latin here, using E II R's official title. However, without checking online, I'd think that Her Majesty is a fidei defensatrix, not defensor. Her father was, She - not so much, lacking a penis and all.
muffdyvr chapter 1 . 3/2
what the hell is story even about? your all over the place!
Cwhit930 chapter 13 . 2/10
This was great. Thanks for the story. A super Harry that isn’t all god like the whole time. Enjoys the plot and flow. Never seen a farmer type Harry before. Thanks again for the share. That’s three of your works down, need to see what else in the HP verse you have.
Cwhit930 chapter 4 . 2/9
Usually only comment at the end but a perfect life for Snape and Draco. Karma
Wolfman-053 chapter 3 . 2/4
With regards to your Skyraiders, you're thinking of the AD-5 (A-1E) version, the A-1J (AD-7) was the final production version and was a single seater. Go read the Wikipedia article then edit that part of the chapter.
Mr. Fluffymuffin chapter 10 . 2/2
I fucking lost it when death from the endless showed up in the harem
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30
Guest chapter 4 . 1/30
Blazeb79 chapter 13 . 1/21
That was a lot of fun to read! Thanks for that
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