Reviews for Monolith
MaeveMonster chapter 3 . 11/29/2018
This is great! Ardyn is a sexy bastard. More please! Pretty please with cherries on top?
Big Fan chapter 3 . 9/2/2018
This is a very intelligent well though story. I wonder if she will go back and look for a cure.
Summertime Sasuke chapter 3 . 12/22/2017
I know you're on hiatus for this fic but I am SUPER EXCITED for the next chapter. Its very well written and compelling and I really want to know what happens next :) I'm willing to wait for it though so no pressure!
Kitti420 chapter 3 . 6/2/2017
I am really enjoying this. I love how you write, and especially how you write Adryn. You've captured him perfectly, and i can't wait to read more. I like that you've added your own twist on the game's history (or lack thereof), too. A very enjoyable read, indeed. Hopefully you're able to update more often!
LilithArtist chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
I wonder where things will go as the story goes on...

It makes me nervously curious.
LilithArtist chapter 3 . 3/1/2017
Hello. I am new with this fic.

I noticed your story, and as someone who is aware of Final Fantasy 15 (and having seen the Kingsglaive movie), I was curious about this story being told from a different perspective. And with an OC on top of that.

I'll just cut to the chase, and admit that I was strangely intrigued as to the exploration of the experience of a resident of Niflheim. The OC Casnia is certainly a different female character, apparently smart in her own right and pessimistic about certain things; and how she is involved with the strange man Ardyn is a rather interesting angle to get invested in. It made me wonder how this woman is able to put up with the eccentricities of this eerily fascinating man.

And I might sound insane, but something about that Ardyn guy spooks and intrigues me at the same time. I look forward to seeing where Casnia goes with her involvement with the chancellor.
PinkROmantic chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
I accidentally posted my previous review before ending it. Sorry about that.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
I just thankfully found this fic on my first search for FF15 fanfiction, and I'm so pleased to see someone expanding a little on how the Empire is. And Casnia is a very well-thought character, as if she truly belonged to that world. I just got started but I already feel intrigued. (I'm currently on mobile and I haven't logged back into my account, but I'll
uncookedegg chapter 3 . 2/22/2017
I'm glad I came across this fan fiction, especially after discovering the Pitiosis Theory (you should check that out too if you haven't yet).

The topic of man vs God is an interesting one and a popular one in many jrpg games. I wonder how you will come across this theme in your story? According to the Theory mentioned above, the Astrals (the worshiped ones) may not appear as benevolent as the Cosmonolgy claims them to be. Cas, with her scientific background, would have quite the opinion on the unquestioned acceptance of these deities along with the concept of "The Chosen One". I have more to say about this topic but this is a review, not an 10 page essay...

Anyway, I enjoy Casnia's character, mostly her pessimism, and her pride as an ordinary human. Her morality may be in the grey but has done so for the sake of the majority. Heroes only exists in fairy tales is something she may agree with.

Overall I love Cas, I love Ardyn, and I love Ravus and this work is wonderful so far. I look forward to what you will create next. :)
lambda.lawliet chapter 2 . 1/3/2017
I've really enjoyed reading about Cas, it's fun seeing her trying to be passive-agressive but ends up being aggressive-ish instead. I really like the extra info about the Empire that you've incorporated into the story for more context. Thanks for the chapter.
AshuriIncarnate chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
Interesting concept and views about what happens in the imperial army. Ardin I think you have nailed with his personality and the way you've got his mannerisms. All in all, a good start.
Keep up the good work

Nayukhuut chapter 1 . 12/9/2016
So, the Starscourge, according to the guide, was actaully created by Ifrit. That said, I do absolutely love your idea that it was artificially created, and it already ties well with the narrative you're expanding on. I can't wait to hear more. :)

I will admit that part of me is biased. Ardyn was by far my favourite character and his tragic story broke my heart. Chosen healer of the people demonised by a jealous king and rejected by the gods that chose him and the people that loved him. There are actually two pictures in the art book that address this. One is a picture of Ardyn riding through a town on a black Chocobo, a celebration around him, and arms outstretched to his people. The other is darker. It shows him half stripped in a pose reminiscent of Jesus before his crucifiction. Showing darkness, and the despair of his betrayal.

Either way, I'm just happy to see a well written story where I can see more of him, since Squeenix is unlikely to give me the Ardyn related prequel game, or DLC that I want. You are writing it well by the way. So far your flowing is perfect, and the way the dialogue is given, and the mannerisms are described is spot on. I look forward to reading more.

Oh, and thank you. :)