Reviews for Heart of the Moon
TrickyTiara chapter 5 . 8/10/2019
I like how, near the beginning of this chapter, Tamatoa's all "ooh, what are you going to do, flutter your eyelashes and get your way?" and Moana does basically that when she wants to find Maui, and it totally works
TrickyTiara chapter 3 . 9/5/2018
Wow, I love this SO MUCH. I'm only partway through and so far it feels like I'm experiencing an actual Moana sequel. The original characters are so on point and I'm loving the new stories of the Te Po and the Moon and the creation of Lalotai
SamMason666 chapter 9 . 5/11/2018
This is one of the best written stories I've ever read.
NaturalBornK chapter 9 . 12/30/2017
please continue this.
InnovationIncarnate chapter 1 . 11/24/2017
Nice story! The writing is really well-done and it feels like a natural continuation to the movie!
Anime Monkey Girl Fan chapter 9 . 11/16/2017
Well! Looks like we got some new interesting plot development. Hanahano seems like a fun character. I really liked the touch of Moana giving her a name—it seems like the kind of gesture the young chieftain would do.

I don’t know how you do it, but your take on these original lyrics are always well-handled and enjoyable to read. It almost makes me wish that we had vocals and instruments accompanying this story, just to get more of a sense of how they’d impact the lyrics. But as it may, they’re still fun to read.

That ending though…that last bit with Moana and Tamatoa broke my heart. It really shows how far their relationship has evolved—and how much she has changed him for the better.

I can’t wait for the next update!
Madfizz chapter 8 . 10/24/2017
Love this, especially Tamatoa! Hope he’s not gonna go through too much pain if he transforms! Please update soon! :)
ILiekTurtlesss chapter 8 . 9/14/2017
Omg... I love this! It's one of my favorite moana fictions :3333
Lot s of love from me ️️
AmikaUchiha chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Wow! Seriously one of the best stories on here I've ever read!
Anime Monkey Girl Fan chapter 7 . 7/21/2017
I’ve been meaning to write a proper review to this because wow. This is by far my favorite Moana fanfiction. It hooked me from the start and I’ve been regularly returning to this story since, if only to reread some of the chapters. There’s great visualization throughout with your descriptions. It’s enough to visualize the setting and the characters’ actions, but it doesn’t overstay its welcome either.

Characterization can be tricky, but I think you pretty much nailed the film characters. Moana is like her film-counterpart in relation to her willingness to take charge, while still carrying her compassion and occasional awkwardness. Maui is as we’d expect from his post-film character development: confident and heroic (with the anti-bit thrown in), but also more considerate to his young friend’s opinion.

I’d say Tamatoa is the hardest character to capture in Moana fanfiction. It is justified seeing as we saw so little of him in the film proper, so other fanfic writers can kind of fill in his history and add layers as needed. There’s certainly no bad portrayals of him (and if there are, I haven’t read them), but he’s still pretty tricky to write at best. Tamatoa’s characterization here, however, is the best I’ve read in a fanfic. He not only retains his conceit and sarcasm, but also his self-preservation and melodramatic behavior. Character development should be expected in a fanfic with him as a major character, but this feels the most believable out all of them so far.

I’m not much of a fan of Disney fanfics that are a good deal darker than the original films. I don’t automatically write those stories off as bad for it, but I always end up getting a bit pulled out when the fanfics start delving into heavier subject matters. It is a personal preference of mine, but it makes me appreciate your story all the more for keeping it in tone with the original film. There’s certainly a lot at stake, but the story is not afraid to indulge in humor and put it on the backburner whenever necessary. Little additions like the cave spells and the pools of doubt also give it a good old fantasy feel that wouldn't be out of place in a Disney Princess film.

Sorry for the long review, but I didn’t want to leave anything out. I’m looking forward to the next update!
The Authverlord chapter 7 . 7/13/2017
Keep it up, bro or bronette. This story is seriously a good one and has a strong feeling all throughout. Hope the next update isn't too long.
The Authverlord chapter 6 . 6/13/2017
So glad this was updated. And it was worth the wait too. Good work and cannot wait for what comes next :)
Top Kicker chapter 5 . 4/8/2017
I can not even express how much I love this story! This is by far my favorite Moana fanfic!
Everything about it is just so perfect, it has the right balance of dark and funny. Serious and joshing. I actually had to stop several times thought the story to just take a moment to laugh and calm down about some of Tamatoas lines. They were just so perfect.
You really nailed every ones characters, and this is by far the best Tamatoa I've come across. This is the only story I've read (so far) that really gets his quips and strange habits down. I also love how you have shown Mauis insecurities without flat out saying so. You know, that whole "show don't tell." You are really good at that. Moana is also on point, might I add, and I can see her awkwardness in situations while trying to be mature and brave.
Overall just a really good story. I'm sad to see it was last updated four months ago, so I can only cross my fingers at this point I suppose.
Ybs chapter 5 . 4/7/2017
Love your exploration of Tamatoa's character! You've got his voice down really well and I can't wait to read more!
Shadougelover14 chapter 5 . 3/14/2017
This is a really intriguing story so far. I'm loving the additional mythos, and the building on of what's already there. The relationship b/twn Maui and Tama here is really fascinating; I really like this rendition of how they first met.

You can bet I'll be keeping an eye on this story!
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