Reviews for Burning the Primrose Path
Jay chapter 37 . 4/3
I'm really enjoying your work! This was one of the best pre-series Sam stories ever.

PS: I think Sam got 174 on his LSAT, not 175...
Melle22 chapter 28 . 12/9/2019
OOps. I guess I jumped the gun... I thought that this was THE Halloween. I bet Jess looked amazing as a (slutty) cop.

Is it just me, or do girls dress slutty enough now a days that the trashy costumes need to go by the wayside? They used to be fun when 'good girls' had the excuse to show off the normally covered 'goods'. Besides, I hate the high school girls wearing them.
Melle22 chapter 27 . 12/9/2019
I see you are taking on that Sam only attended school for two years. I think it was Kripke who admitted it was a mistake? Either Sam's age or the amount of years he attended school. I'm sure it must be attended school if Sam had an appt with the Law School admissions. I think you need a four year degree and be a post graduate for that.

I love how you started this fic and how Brady became possessed and was the one to introduce Jessica... so I am going to pretend Sam had two solid years with Jess before he lost her.
Melle22 chapter 24 . 12/8/2019
Geesh. i think i'm channeling Sam's emotions. Man, I get too much into fic. But if I do, then I hope their relationship gets serious soon...
Melle22 chapter 20 . 12/8/2019
My mood tanked for some reason, so reading about Sam falling in love is the best thing ever.
Melle22 chapter 4 . 12/8/2019
you know, your author's notes are really enlightening to me sometimes. I kinda stopped viewing SPN after season 5. I read a lot of fanfic and read some plot summaries just to know what was going on. I like the bunker and like fic that expanded on its awesomeness and used it as a base for season 5 style hunting and brother bonding. But, until you expressed it, I guess I didn't really understand WHY I didn't like a great deal of it anymore...

For one, the boys are too often at odds with each other. I get that Dean is totally uncomfortable with Sam's 'powers', but the absolute disgust towards his brother in later seasons is painful. (and Sam's rather powerful ability with witch craft isn't even commented on?). I need the boys to be each other's number one. Without out that, the show is a lot of angst and killing without the comforting and rewarding base of two brothers looking out for and defending each other against anything the world can throw at them.

Earlier on you commented that you thought readership was down because this was Sam-centric. I have to admit I'm a total Sam's girl and always have been. I didn't fully comprehend that the show was HIS story until I read something sometime around season 11 or whatever... to me he's always just been the heart and moral compass and the wider point of view. And Dean was the older one who raised him and adored him as a brother/father/best friend. Hurt and angry and disappointed and worried Sam would leave again, but always always putting him first.

Then neither was the case anymore. Sam fears losing his brother's love and coaches all his decisions around not disappointing Dean. There is no real objectivity anymore. Sam has lost that core seeing all the grays and knowing how to read that spectrum and making the hard or unpopular decisions. And Dean is so sanctimonious. Blech. (I'd always seen Dean as self aware but totally willfully blind to his weaknesses to protect himself - but he became so hypocritical).

Until your author's notes started pounding in how everything is counter to Kripke's canon, I didn't get that at all. I didn't factor that at all. So I totally thank you for pointing everything out. I LOVE these characters, but don't really like the show half as much as I did. I thought, well I didn't know what I thought... I'm just glad to know someone else feels similar and there is an actual basis for my feelings that is rooted in the show and the show's creator himself.

Hope the feed back on the ANs is okay, lol.
Atlasina7 chapter 37 . 12/1/2019
Great story. Loved that you fleshed out Sam's time at Stanford. Poor Jess, I really liked your version of her, poor Brady, poor everyone! Thanks for sharing.
jmr27 chapter 37 . 11/6/2018
A perfect ending for a great story. I like how you tied the last scene to the first, both from Azazels point of view. A very good story, I quite enjoyed it.
jmr27 chapter 36 . 11/6/2018
Ahhh! Soooooo good. Love the bit about Baby at the end. Perfect.
jmr27 chapter 35 . 11/6/2018
Great commentary on the instincts about danger that women are taught to ignore. So true! I want everything Sam wants for Dean, too!
jmr27 chapter 34 . 11/6/2018
Love the intro to this chapter. Beautiful writing.
jmr27 chapter 33 . 11/6/2018
Another awesome chapter! Dean's reaction was spot on, he doesn't like to be alone. Sam and Jessica...poor things.
redlite chapter 37 . 8/25/2018
It was really good! Thanks for writing. You know, with Jack and everything going on in the 13th season, I keep wondering what ever happened to the antichrist, the kid who could make anything he imagined happen. Maybe there's a plot bunny there...?
Domino Darkwolf chapter 37 . 8/24/2018
A perfect finale to a fan-fucking-tastic story! I love how you started and ended with YED POV. All of your characters were spot on, and you filled Jess’s character out for us so beautifully and perfectly. This reads like Kripke approved/canon chronology. Half the time I was reading this I forgot it’s “just” fan fiction. (Which proves that sometimes “just fan fiction” can sometimes be better than the rectconned real thing.)

Looking forward to your next work(s)! MORE PAIN PLEASE!
Linnie McCary chapter 37 . 8/23/2018
"The picture of heroes, really."

Oh, yes! That line actually gave me a delightful shiver!

So, brava, and thanks very much for sharing!
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