Reviews for No Winter Lasts Forever
faerieMagic07 chapter 43 . 7/1
I left my heart in Bergeron Colony.

I've always thought that Majestic places like the future, or, Devonshire with all the nature were the place where one can be happy. Then after reading this, I realized that simple things in life also hold its own precious appeal.
mindofconfussion chapter 43 . 6/30
While there were a few mistakes all throughout, THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST STORIES I HAVE EVER HAD THE EXTREME PLEASURE OF READING! I laughed, cried, clenched my teeth angrily, and fell in love. My heart was broken and fixed and filled with pain and joy so many times, I couldn’t put this down. I actually stayed up way later than intended a couple times and finished in like.. three days (had to work or it would’ve been sooner). If you ever write books for profit, I’ll definitely be seeking a copy. This was brilliant! So full of details and emotion! I can’t wait to read more of your masterpieces! Also, thank you for being a part of catstop’s Two Years in San Fransisco. Both of you are extraordinary authors! 3
-A Total Fangirl
Guest chapter 38 . 3/30
I meant to say in my last post that Voris' sly way of making that garden in the cemetery was genius. If I were in such a place with everything going to pieces around me, I would most definitely want him by my side.

He is truly a man and I love smart, strong men. Why can't there be more many men in real life?!
Guest chapter 37 . 3/30
I used to have an account, but then life got very busy.

Anyways, I love this story! It's so well done and has so many good elements about it. I love Voris. He seems to be more emotional than other Vulcans, but I don't know very much about Vulcans anyway. And I know a lot of the situations going on are not very usual.

Dagny is pretty cool, too. I understand she is naive and young but sometimes she really gets on my nerves. She's ok overall though.

I especially love all the times you have Voris be caring and tender towards her and Safi. I find myself thinking, "Be still, my heart," lol.
Thanks so much for writing such amazing stories! I should be reading more, should time permit.
x XRoweenaJAugustineX x chapter 4 . 3/19
God my heart is breaking for poor Mrs DePaulo
Elinea Mae chapter 43 . 3/8
I so so loved this story. That was one slow burn... my God. But it was so worth it. Kudos to you. I love your writing style. And your characters (especially Voris). I am usually not the biggest fan of pregnancy fanfiction, but this one was totally awesome. Thank you for writing it!
Atlantean-Child chapter 43 . 3/7
This is a very well made stroy.
jsilver2000 chapter 43 . 2/10
Great story! The scene in the vent with her father was heartbreaking!
Courtney chapter 43 . 11/23/2019
I stumbled on this and read it in one shot and I am SOBBING this is beautiful and perfect and I live for Vulcan-Human relationships and they adopted kids and they did good they did SO good and I dude. This is everything I needed in a fic.
faerieMagic07 chapter 1 . 9/5/2019
Amazing writing technique. Did you purposely do that? Paint Tolik as this beautiful rational person, then kill him off? It is a beautiful showing of grief and loss.
DearChibico chapter 43 . 8/14/2019
I cried. The whole chapter. Big family love and drama really gets to me. And you best believe I cried extensively with that peaceful little scene with Voris and Dagny gosh dang! They really did have a fulfilling life like what good people geez. This was such a good fic thanks for sharing it with us~ I’ve never read something that made me feel like I went on an actual journey through someone’s life and then just feeling so complete at the end. Ugh this was so good!
DearChibico chapter 37 . 8/13/2019
I’m so stressed right now but I can’t stop reading
spocksillogic chapter 43 . 8/1/2019
This was a great and touching story. Well done. You're a talented author
T'Christina chapter 43 . 6/22/2019
Your ending was so romantically beautiful... it made me cry heavy tears.
Wildblume chapter 43 . 6/15/2019
I enjoyed this and will check out your next story and hope you write more! :) :) :)
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