Reviews for Meant To Be
Karen LaManna chapter 54 . 2/12/2017
Fran was great with Pen trying to keep her calm until help arrives!

I knew Pen would blame herself and she does! Poor thing, she did everything she could to save Ty!

Great job Derek! You managed to calm her down a bit and tried to convince her it wasn't her fault! Not only will she blame herself for Ty, if she loses that baby she will be devastated and will never be the same!

Dave was wonderful with Derek! Great dad moment!

How stupid is the wenches husband! He broke the law, kidnapped Ty and destroyed the rest of his life! He did all that for a skanky slut cockroach!

Hang on Ty, mommy and daddy will find you! Then you will be back with them, your nana and nonno, all your aunts, uncles and cousins!

Can't wait for the sequel! Plz keep Ty, Pen and the baby safe!
ddgorgeous chapter 54 . 2/11/2017
Wow! This was the mother of all cliffs! I can't wait until the sequel! Great job!
LaLaBoo chapter 54 . 2/11/2017
I can't believe Savannah n her husband kidnapped tyler I hope Penelope n are going to be ok
Bohogal1998 chapter 54 . 2/11/2017
oh No! a whole other story means it will take FOREVER to get Ty back! Please post the new story soon!
Great reader211100 chapter 54 . 2/11/2017
I love this story CANNOT WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL please dont let penelope miscarry and bring ty home
Kimd33 chapter 54 . 2/11/2017
Good, I hope the sequel is soon. I hope she doesn't lose her kids.
snoochie76 chapter 54 . 2/11/2017
Wow that was good and dramatic. Now as for that thing. Stupid what she is doing like all fingers will not point to her. As for her husband he is a fool ruining his life and career for her aint that much love in the lol
Karen LaManna chapter 53 . 2/10/2017
Well, first off you had me rolling with Spencer's comment calling her a cow! It definitely lightened the mood! I laughed with all of them!

I love how our babies are so in love it shows in every aspect of their lives! Awww!

OMG! Dang you and your dang cliffies! Ugh! Poor Pen is going to blame herself! Plz let her and the baby be ok! She took several big hits! What kind of vile pig attacks a pregnant woman and steals a child!

Poor Ty he is petrified and doesn't understand what is happening! He just wants his mommy! Awwwpoor thing! I hope Fran gets back and quick!

Derek is gonna flip! How stupid are these people? Everyone will know it's them! They don't stand a chance against Derek and the BAU family!

On the edge of my seat waiting for more!
Karen LaManna chapter 52 . 2/10/2017
What a perfect pair the vile ones make! She is a sociopath and he is a psychopath! So much for running for senator!

This is going to get real bad and real soon! Hotch was right to be skeptical!

Derek did wonderfully on the stand and definitely impressed the judge!

Can't wait for more!
aplb2010 chapter 53 . 2/10/2017
O no
ddgorgeous chapter 53 . 2/10/2017
Oh no! Poor Tyler, Penelope will surely blame herself. I hope she and the baby are okay. Derek is gong to flip! Wow! You just left me there...on the edge of that cliff...all alone...Dang, Jenny I thought we were friends...
Bohogal1998 chapter 53 . 2/10/2017
WHAT!? You are leaving it There?!
snoochie76 chapter 53 . 2/10/2017
Omg I knew thatvwas gonna happen like that was so dumb. Like they will not be able to figure this out
Kimd33 chapter 53 . 2/10/2017
Derek is going to get him back. Wait until Savannah realizes you can't make that little love her.
ddgorgeous chapter 52 . 2/9/2017
What an ominous call! Savannah has finally found a man just her type...a monster! A match made in hell!
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