Reviews for If I Break
LadybugLover21 chapter 14 . 4/21/2017
LadybugLover21 chapter 3 . 4/21/2017
izzy chapter 16 . 4/3/2017
llazo4108824 chapter 14 . 4/3/2017
This is some fanfic you made and could you make more chapters soon please I like to see what happens next to them all.
izzy chapter 15 . 3/29/2017
I LOVED CHAPTER 9! :D If you want to then YES! :D I'm happy with whatever you choose!
Guest chapter 15 . 3/29/2017
it is way easier for people to go one archiveofourown then wattpad and you can there are alot more people on there as its easier to find fics you like because of tags. I highly recommend. at is easier to comment and comment back on archive anonymously so more people comment to. already read all of your but I can reread if you want?

story ideas
1. chat noir gets rejected by ladybug and marinette comes across sad Adrien. She comforts him and ends up forcfully overcoming her stutter to make him feel better. he ends up falling for marinette. He figures out she is ladybug on the day he was going to confess when she repeats a something she said to chat noir. he's heartbroken and doesn't confess and hides his new knowledge because he's scared she'd go away from him completely because she knew chat noir better than she knows Adrien and rejected him so he knows she doesn't like him.

2. Chat noir asks for advice from ladybug for how to get closer to one of his friends who acts weird around him. She figures out from his description about the girl that said girl has a crush on him. she keeps that secret and tries to help him while feels a little jealous the better things go and the happier chat noir gets over the improved relationship.

3. ladybug agrees to go on one date with chat noir after she realizes he's serious after having a conversation with him as marinette. he tries to unbelievably hard but everything goes wrong on the date even though she had fun so he is a bit distraunt and tired. He falls asleep on her.

4. there is a heat wave in the city and chat noir takes off the top part of his outfit while he wallows and stretches infront of ladybug and marinette at different points during a week. he does all these stuff like eating icecream and sucking on his fingers to purring and getting close to her and she starts noticing him but he is completely oblivious to her flustered reactions as he as a model is used to stripping.

5. chat noir falls asleep on ladybug and she starts petting his hair. he starts purring and making noises so she starts experimenting by touching his head in different spots to find out his tells.

6. as marinette she uses her knowledge of his tells to melt him into a puddle when he tries to distract her during a videogame and remarks be could distract her better than she could. she is so into the game and forcing him to take it back that she doesn't realize that his surprise and the petting has made him unable to say anything in response.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2017
Unfound name chapter 14 . 3/29/2017
Nooooooooooo, I need more. Please!
Guest chapter 13 . 3/14/2017
Adrien is going to show up.
Sabrina is going to show up or alya because of the red hair and glasses.
you said glasses so maybe max will show up.
nino is going to show up because of the red hat.
black of her suit and eyes is clearly marinette being akumatized.
maybe they realize ladybug isn't going to show up?
or maybe the akuma gets ladybug's yo yo so they think either the akuma is mari or that mari already ladybug.
she might have destroyed buildings using the maybe yoyo?
either way I'm frustrated as all damn right now about not getting the chapter yet..not t you..just you general...cause its exciting to read...I like it...though I really want Adrien to tell her he's chat. she's been rejecting chat for so long that maybe he'll think that if she knows Adrien is chat then she won't love him anymore and not be hurt anymore as well as be soothed that he does like her. because ladybug as the frustrating hardheaded partner of his is a close friend! and her...then again...hawkmoth might know
izzy chapter 13 . 3/13/2017
gleamqueen chapter 13 . 3/13/2017
i have no idea what is going on in this story? can you explain please?
wisegirl7789 chapter 12 . 3/2/2017
This was really good, but you might want to keep on POV per chapter
Guest chapter 7 . 3/1/2017
Can you make one so that marinette falls in love with another boy and adrien get jealous
izzy chapter 11 . 2/27/2017
It's ok if your chapters are short I still LOVE ALL OF them!
Nightowl2017 chapter 11 . 2/27/2017
I can't wait for the next chapter yay !
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