Reviews for Life Goes On
Chuni Luni chapter 6 . 7/3
Holy Crow!
Chuni Luni chapter 5 . 7/2
Okay that would explain SO MUCH about the Uchiha.

I often wondered why they were the way they are. If that was the truth I'd rather have mine develop naturally and same for any child I had. Yikes!
Chuni Luni chapter 4 . 7/2
Perhaps the ease of his studies is because Harry is in there?

It would explain his early advances in things like crawling and understanding people. Even if all that knowledge is currently only being used subcounciously at the moment.
LittleFlower2012 chapter 10 . 6/23
I love this story, I can’t wait for some KakaObi, I hope you update soon!
Jj chapter 10 . 6/16
When are you posting again!i can’t!
SvalbardGirl chapter 10 . 4/27
i see that you haven't uploaded another chapter since 2018, is this story abandoned? if so, it's a pity!I really enjoyed reading it! It was uniqe and really interesting! I love sakumo and how obito is finaly treated like the child he is, it's so damn adorable, sitting on Tsunades lap and cuddeling with Sakumo, dawwww
LittleFlower2012 chapter 10 . 4/4
I really like this story, I hope you update soon!
TheklaPavlouAnime chapter 10 . 3/31
This story is AMAZING!
Guest chapter 9 . 3/23
Sakumo deserves more loooove
Une petite espoir chapter 10 . 3/3
Love this! Can’t wait to read what happens next!
Someguy the anon chapter 10 . 2/25
wonderful story, I hope it isnt abandoned, I hope to find out if harito became visual nightmare fuel or his mind scape is actual nightmare fuel
Guest chapter 10 . 2/17
I love Sakumo, he’s so protective of Harry/Obito. Sakumo deserves more love and support.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/17
I am crying... again. Every time I read this part I bawl like a newborn.
nighthawk187053 chapter 10 . 1/21
Amazing story man can’t wait to see what you do next please update
Dendule95 chapter 10 . 1/20
Plllllease update
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