Reviews for A New Hope
Guest chapter 7 . 5/28
Two things:
1. If you take the obi out of Kenobi, Kal-El 's name would be Clar Ken, nearly Clark Kent
2. What is Anakin to Clar: An older brother or uncle? obi Wan thought of Anakin as a brother so uncle could be possibly or elder brother works fine
coronadomontes chapter 7 . 5/5
buen capitulo
Death Fury chapter 7 . 5/5
aren't Aliens common in Star Wars?
Death Fury chapter 7 . 5/5
great chapter
Alex Vazquez1 chapter 6 . 4/13
JusticeLordSuperman chapter 4 . 3/28
That astroid lol
Kenzie chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
I have noticed you have not updated this story in a while, if you’re okay with it I would love to be able to continue this story. I will give full credit to you, the plot and your work.
Alcides12 chapter 6 . 7/11/2019
An interesting chapter. It does however bring to mind several questions.
How is Kal-El able to use the Force? According to Shaak Ti Kal-El has no traces of Midi-chlorians.
How old is Kal-El?
Does he exhibit powers other than levitation and his almost heat vision?
A Kryptonite powered lightsaber?
Unless you have a way around it, every time Kal-El uses his lightsaber he would be irradiated by the kryptonite. Hell, unless the crystal chamber in the lightsaber were shielded with lead then the kryptonite should still be irradiating him.
Also, the Padawan infuses the Force in to the crystal and then uses the Force to assemble the lightsaber. So again, how is he Force capable?
I ask these questions with respect to the author. No negative criticism is meant, just pondering your thought processes in regards to Kal-El and his development physically and with his powers.
Rhett1980 chapter 6 . 6/4/2019
For once let the advanced tech around help Kal El find a way to avoid being killed by kryptonite.
Dracomancer1 chapter 6 . 6/4/2019
Very interesting, using a kryptonite crystal as a lightsaber focus.
Death Fury chapter 6 . 6/4/2019
SixOneSix chapter 6 . 6/4/2019
Wait... Did clar just use a piece of kryptonite as his Crystal lightsaber?!... Will it make him stronger or weaker?...
SixOneSix chapter 5 . 2/3/2019
Awesome update... but I felt weird reading Yoda so articulate...
Lost King Atomsk chapter 4 . 11/28/2018
This is dope! Please write more! But please call him Kal El. I don't know why in everything they never call him by his real name. It's such a cool name! And please have him develop all his kryptonian powers and force powers soon! Please write more!
SixOneSix chapter 4 . 10/24/2018
Cute scene with yoda... very funn.. cant wait to see more... especially with the jealousy that Anakin will most defiantly display against kal... and will there be a love triangle?...
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