Reviews for Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor not a Ninja
ifdragonscouldtalk chapter 11 . 7/10
I loved this so much. There isn't enough bamf bones and your writing is so poignant that i felt his struggles. God, every bit of this was perfect. Thank you for sharing
SpencerBrown chapter 10 . 3/12/2019
This is an amazing story that makes my day every time I go back and re-read it. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it.
Phoenix Artemis Halliwell chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
omg u nailed them well done
AmandaBaker852 chapter 11 . 11/25/2018
Thank you for this wonderful story. It's great to see Bones out of his comfort zone as a healer and I really liked the friendship between the three of them you depicted here.
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 6 . 11/14/2018
More later. Running out. But WHOA I can't even this is PERFECT It needs to be on screen NOW.
Kimberleah chapter 1 . 10/24/2018
Never realized that I never reviewed this. Being an angsty McCoy fan I can say this is a swashbuckling hoot of a story. It is in my favorites so Thank You very much for writing it and entertaining us old foggies!
Ai chapter 11 . 3/9/2018
Gahhhhhh it's perfect
DoubleNatural chapter 11 . 10/25/2017
There are not enough stories where Bones goes full Die Hard badass. Thank you for writing one.
anko chapter 3 . 8/27/2017
Such an awesome, well written action-packed story is rare to find! I love it
Grgoyldef2 chapter 11 . 5/1/2017
Awesome story! I am always up for some BAMF!Bones and this story hit the spot. Thanks for writing.
emmagirl23 chapter 1 . 4/2/2017
Oh my gosh...i don't even know what to say. this is amazing...utterly amazing. Bones has been my favorite character since I first watched star trek and this fic highlighted everything I love about him. you did such a wonderful job, and did my Bones justice. thank you so much for writing this and keep up the fantastic work! much love! live long and prosper!
SpencerBrown chapter 11 . 3/26/2017
This was wonderful! Thank you so much for giving us such a badass Bones!
Seys chapter 11 . 3/1/2017
Je viens à peine de commencer l'histoire que j'ai déjà tout lu!C'est un très bon récit et bonne histoire avec Bones
Ma prochaine étape est le reste de tes histoires!
Guest chapter 11 . 2/16/2017
This is one of the most beautifuly written fics I've ever read. You have achieved breathing life into each character. I was drove deep into each chapter, feeling sorrow and pity along with the characters. This is a "Hurt/ Comfort" story reimagined like it should be; I sat reading this, feeling my heart pound with suspense and anguish. And my god you've done a stellar job with writing Leonard McCoy; most people just wrote him as a snarky grumpy man, but you poured emotion into this. Thank you for your beautiful creative mind. Never stop writing, never stop achieving. Live long and prosper.
CocoRosenfeld chapter 11 . 2/14/2017
OMG that was awesome.

Sorry I didn't review sooner, I got u on alert but somehow it was tagged as spam and I only noticed yesterday. O.o

Anyway, I am totally with Spock, he and Bones needed some bromance time and I loved the telepathic exchange. I am looking forward to Spocks appearance in my story as well... he'll come. :)
Whew my heart was beating very fast during the last chapter, I was so worried. I also very much liked the scene with pavel at Bones sickbed, poor kid. And my fav line was Bones thinking that he never thought he'd find family in space, that was just awww.

So, I hope you'll find a new plot bunny real soon! :)
Greetings, C.
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