Reviews for A Life With Vigor
BlazeStryker chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
The grammar is a bit wonky at times, but one seeming typo is in fact potentially correct: The either of the possibility space could be misspelled "ether" though I doubt it as Elizabeth is hooked into the stuff, it can also stand on its own as "either/or", the division between the myriad worlds of the House of If.
BlazeStryker chapter 11 . 6/29/2019
We all know the adage of the flea, how fleas have smaller fleas unto infinity.

The problem this poses is that there's always, always something bigger if the flea adage is true.

And, Elizabeth? Stay sane. We really don't need you growing up to be Columbia.
Ghost Angel14 chapter 11 . 1/17/2019
This story reads like a riveting college lecture with Professor Elizabeth Anna Dewitt teaching. The explanations of each vigor was so incredible and It really made me wish that we got to see these different variant enemies in the game. My favorite is either the Chained Devils or the Hell-Raisers. The Cherubs were pretty cool as well.

Another aspect I loved, the dimensions the tears were created from. I loved the names you created for them, and the very concept of a few are just so spellbinding. Something about the world of Exaltation was both cool and chilling, Along with Necropolis and The Cherub world. Only disappointment was how in the other non canon vigors, no explanation was given for their dimensions.
All in all, it was a very enthralling read that made me keep coming back to it. Very enjoyable.
Frosty Wolf chapter 11 . 7/7/2018
Well that was a bone chilling conclusion to our little tale. Your explanation about how Columbia and the Vox devolved into such extremes helps to explain how things went as badly as they did. There may be some versions that weren't as bad, but I get the feeling that they're few and far between. And Columbia herself, I always put that down to a lie from Comstock to boost his tale. Regardless, it was a well written conclussion.

As for the varying terrors out there, I only recognize a few. Hecate, the Chaos Gods, Bill Cipher, Mad Jim and The Reapers. No idea which of the others are originals, but I'm going to guess the Hyperbreed Omnibeasts and Mama Sanguine.

So do you plan to start something new next, or focus on your current stories? I do hope you come back to Bioshock at some point, though the fandom has largely moved on. Hopefully a new game someday will bring attention back to it.
Xzeihoranth chapter 11 . 7/1/2018
I see F.E.A.R, Gravity Falls, Marvel Comics (or cinematic universe) twice, Lovecraft. Proteus the Mask is vaguely familiar to me as well.
Very cool story!
Frosty Wolf chapter 10 . 6/16/2018
Well this was an interesting and horrifying series of possibilities. Of them all I'd say the Websmith Vigor is the most frightening, if only because I can actually picture the results somehow. Father Time would be second, if a bit more psychologically intimidating compared to the straight horror from the spider people. Still, this leaves us with more questions about this mysterious Lady of Comstock's.

And E3 has come and gone with no news of a new Bioshock title, I am quite sad. Did you watch any of the new trailers?
Syuveil chapter 10 . 6/15/2018
Well, that spider one is going to haunt my dreams for weeks to come now. Thanks for that haha. Brilliantly written chapter, always a pleasure to see your updates.
Xzeihoranth chapter 10 . 6/15/2018
The spider part was probably the most disturbing. I'd almost suggest putting an advisory on it.
But the overall plot of these vignettes is very interesting!
CTCORBITT chapter 3 . 5/29/2018
I love the bit about the atmospheric shields. Not everyone gets it that at 15,000' the temperatures are about 45F less than surface level. (3 degrees/1000' lapse rate). The North Atlantic is never too warm to begin with.

Your writing is very evocative and creates a great scene!
CTCORBITT chapter 2 . 5/16/2018
Wonderful and cleanly written subcreation. I wonder if the folks that actually wrote BS:I delved into the depth you do.
CTCORBITT chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
Thank you for this story! You have a clean and eloquent style of writing that brings out the topic.

I'd considered the Vigors a disposable game artifact, one not particularly suited for a dramatic telling of the story, and omitted them from my own recently published novel. However, your sourcing of their powers makes them much more plausible. I look forward to reading the next several chapters and will comment.
Half-beastdragonsoul2013 chapter 4 . 5/15/2018
I found a reference to Fallout NV.
Frosty Wolf chapter 9 . 5/6/2018
Well that was interesting. Not as damaging as some of the Vigors, but potentially destructive all the same. We even got to see into the decaying mind of Fink, and more about this mysterious figure that they call the Angel of Columbia.

And now that we've gone through the canon Vigor list, I'm curious to see what you use for 'remote posibilities'. Original Vigors or more extreme universes like the one where Columbia meets Rapture? Either way, I look forward to finding out.

Also, and this is a little off topic, but what do you think of the rumors of Bioshock 4's development? Some people online are theorizing that it'll actually be a reboot that takes us back to Rapture, though I find this less likely. But it's either that, or a new city. Because there's really nothing left of Rapture or Columbia at this point.

Sorry for getting off topic, but let me know what you think. And keep up the great work!
Xzeihoranth chapter 9 . 5/5/2018
Another terrific chapter! Undertow and RTS are the Vigors I find the least use for when playing, the others are much more direct and less situational.
9 chapter 8 . 4/25/2018
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