Reviews for Down to the Wire
Frosted Dreams chapter 5 . 2/17/2018
It's been months since you last updated :( I hope everything is okay with your life. You said you had this installment finished in 2016, so I've been wondering where the updates are...
Guest chapter 17 . 9/15/2017
Well I'm here - chapter 17. My honest opinion of this is that it's basically a retelling of the 2009 movie but with your OCs thrown in. And for me neither of them are adding much to the story except for occasional sarcastic comments and one-liners. The thing is, I've seen the movies, the characters in it are well-established and I'm already attached to them and used to their roles and the way they interact with each other. Karina and Camille kind of feel like extras that are detracting from the characters I already know and love. Hope that makes sense and I'm not trying to to be horrible because I did enjoy the first 2 parts. But for me, inserting them into this movie and not giving them much of a role in the plot doesn't really work because even with them there the story is playing out exactly the same way.
GoShip Girl chapter 17 . 7/2/2017
Hey there!
I'm so sorry, that I didn't review so far, but I had huge problems with my Account. Your story is absolutly amazing! I really can't wait for the next Chapter!
LadySnowTheStark chapter 17 . 6/28/2017
Nat chapter 8 . 3/24/2017
Constructive criticism here: you wrote out the movie word for word and make your OCs nothing more than spectators. It's a great movie but it's been done, make your OCs have an actual effect on the plot of your story,not just going along for the ride.
QuabbityAshwood chapter 17 . 3/6/2017
Great chapter! Hope Camille and McCoy have some time together soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
NaomiMiller chapter 17 . 3/2/2017
I almost spit tea all over my computer at the use of Spock Jr. I'm imagining his reaction to being called such. And then Cam and Karina's reactions to it.

God I love Scotty. So much. After Bones he's my favorite character. I got really excited when I realized this was the chapter he would be joining the story. Also really looking forward to him and Juliet meeting. That's going to be a pair to behold if they work together.
Frosted Dreams 1234 chapter 17 . 3/2/2017
Ehehe, I love Scotty. Not gonna lie, but he just adds some much needed humor to the movies. This chapter was great! I loved seeing how Camille and Keenser got along so well, with her motherly instincts kicking in. Would love to see Bones getting jealous over whatever friendship blossoms between Camille and Scotty, though. I'm already looking forward to the next chapter :)
booksfoodmusic-minion chapter 17 . 3/1/2017
This is amazing! I love it!
Howling2themoon chapter 16 . 2/27/2017
Awesome! Sorry for the late review the school work monster is rising up again :( the horse is v nice at the moment we think he's scared his rider will come off again. Can't wait for more!
NaomiMiller chapter 13 . 2/26/2017
I think this may be favorite chapter so far. It never occurred to me how losing Spock's mother might affect Chekov. I'm glad you put that in there because I definitely think that would affect him greatly being so young and in a position of authority. Especially since it would feel like he let his Captain down. I also liked how Karina was there to pull the feelings out of him so to speak instead of him keeping them bottled up and letting them become toxic.

And yay! Progress on the McBourne front. The chemistry between these two is slowly killing me, but in a good way.

Interested to see how the Orion woman comes into play later.
booksfoodmusic-minion chapter 16 . 2/24/2017
This is amazing!
Howling2themoon chapter 15 . 2/22/2017
Awesome! Can't wait for more!

Yup concussion all gone now and with that the permanent headaches have gone thank god! Though my horse has a bad back my friend has just fallen off hers and broken her leg ! So I've been asked to ride him lol
booksfoodmusic-minion chapter 15 . 2/21/2017
this is amazing!
I love it!
QuabbityAshwood chapter 15 . 2/21/2017
YESSS! SCOTTY IS ALMOST HEREEEE! I hope Camille kisses Bones senseless when she gets back.
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