Reviews for The Wrong Strain
Arrion chapter 48 . 7/17
I like nhow you stay out of cliché.
halemd10 chapter 48 . 7/16
No. Just no. (Only applies to chapter 48)
Chase13 chapter 34 . 6/23
Pansy and Hermione's continued animosity is great, though I'm sure by the end of the story they'll be reluctant friends. Trust Pansy to immediately think of what she can gain by moving in with Harry. The babbling about how perfect Harry is makes me laugh.
Favorite line this chapter: The etiquette of what to do when you found out you were someone's lifeline probably hadn't been covered by the Dursleys. They hadn't even managed to raise children halfway decently. - Well, no Hermione. They'd have to be halfway decent to do so. :)
Chase13 chapter 33 . 6/23
OMG, the idea of Lucius staring off into space when he goes outside because he was enchanted is so funny. Hermione's lack of care in this chapter made me smile.
Favorite line this chapter: She was reminded of the old belief that sleeping in the moonlight would make a person insane, a lunatic, and considered that a boyfriend who wanted to unburden his conscience when you were trying to sleep was far more likely to make you crazy than the sun reflecting off a cold rock in the sky. - This line is just pure poetry. Also, it is the worst when people talk to you when you're trying to sleep. chapter 28 . 6/19
I was trying to figure out if it would be Harry or Ron, but once once they started talking about Pansy giving up Harry, you knew it was Harry chapter 25 . 6/19
Parisatis chapter 14 . 6/18
Love this story! Just realized I haven’t left any review for the previews chapter.
Chase13 chapter 32 . 6/18
I feel for Hermione. As much as I hate cleaning it can, at times, be cathartic. I totally agree with you on Dorea and Charles as the names of James Potter's parents. I'm not sure who first introduced me to those names but they are now and forever in my brain.
Favorite line this chapter: "Goddamned pureblood inbreeding." - Hysterical. As if Ron isn't a pureblood himself and probably related to Malfoy as well.
Guest chapter 48 . 6/15
I love your work.
Chase13 chapter 31 . 6/17
Draco is so not open to adventure. :) Though I can't blame him for not wanting to get caught kidnapping someone - it certainly wouldn't end well for him.
Favorite line this chapter: He almost thought to himself, I'll tell my father about this until he remembered that he didn't really really want to tell his father much of anything these days. - Great call back to one of Malfoy''s most iconic lines.
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 48 . 6/16
I loved this story, too. It's not even a surprise at this stage when I find another one of your stories that I absolutely love. It's brilliant to just sit and read, and to forget about keeping track of time, and other such nonsense. Thank you for writing.
Chase13 chapter 30 . 6/15
It is so fitting that Pansy's mate is Harry. It's going to be very interesting to watch that develop.
Favorite line this chapter: They're about as observant as dead cats. - This line just cracked me up. and as an unobservant person myself - it can be really easy to miss who your friends are attracted to.
Chase13 chapter 29 . 6/14
I love their ruthlessness. Everybody thinks Hermione is so nice but she can be as bad as she wants when it suits her purpose. Her line at the end is so true - If she had been in charge of the Death Eaters then things would have ended differently. "I get things done." - Understatement Hermione. :)
Favorite line this chapter: "You aren't going to get all Gryffindor and righteous about this?" - Hysterical, considering everything that the Golden Trio has done. I love Harry's response too.
Chase13 chapter 28 . 6/12
Great chapter with nice development in their relationship. I really like Hermione's comment at the end about Harry's glasses never sitting right, it just made me smile.
Favorite line this chapter: Well, if your standard is 'doesn't spread a fatal illness,' then, sure, I'm a winner. - This made me chuckle.
Chase13 chapter 27 . 6/6
I really enjoy Slytherin friendships. They're different but no less loyal. I find it funny how she calls Harry "Saint Potter." Just makes me laugh.
Favorite line this chapter: "Life's a bitch and then you die" - I just really felt that. And it really fits with Pansy's character.
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