Reviews for oh my brothers, carry me home
annj chapter 12 . 10/25/2017
This... was amazing. It has everything it needs but most noteworthy the ability to make me feel. Dreadful, pained, anxious and so so happy. Thanks!
pokemastercaz chapter 6 . 3/16/2017
Such an amazing story i want to be buried in this adorable musketeer fanfiction! l loved the ending about things worth living for and the shared tears from a shared pain it was very moving and sweet! I loved how you showed the relationship they all have together great job and amazing story!
sorrellkaren chapter 12 . 3/9/2017
My favorite line in this wonderful fic was in this chapter when Aramis says he fears he in nothing but broken pieces and d'Artagnan says - then you will be the strongest of us all. How true this is of all of us who have been tossed and turned by life's events. The fact that Aramis is a medic and has no doubt not been able to save everyone he had treated, was taken from his mother as a child, was raised in a brothel, Savoy and all its horrors, and then almost loosing d'Artagnan, it was too much. Even the faithful can have a moment of doubt. But then something seems to remind them that doubt is part of life and they are whole again. And stronger for it. Trials bring us closer to those we love. And love brings us closer to God. It is the miraculous circle of life that gives us strength to fight another day. The love of his brothers will forever light his path and Aramis will find his way. Always.
sorrellkaren chapter 4 . 3/8/2017
I felt bad for Aramis in this chapter. He takes it on himself to save any of his brothers that becomes injured or ill. If for some reason he can't save one of them it will break him. Even is faith does not help his guilt when it comes to medical treatments that prove ineffective. Athos is just as bad with the guilt of letting one of them get hurt and Porthos just wants revenge if the men are not dead already he wants to kill them for hurting his brother. In this case I think he is probably just worrying as much as the others. The young Gascon has a painful road ahead of him.
sorrellkaren chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
d'Artagnan is still feeling new to the group even though he has proved himself. Still looking for his place in a life long brotherhood. I agree that Athos is the brains, Aramis the spirit, and Prothos the heart of them. But d'Artagnan is the energy. He is always ready to do anything needed to help anyone he loves or even a stranger in need. He is an action kind of man. That is why they all go together so well. Athos makes a decision, d'Artagnan dives in head first and Aramis and Porthos are there to back him up. I understand what he is feeling, cabin fever would be a modern name for it. The stifling need to get away from the same everyday routine and go somewhere else. He needs this mission as well as another chance to define himself and prove his loyalty within the inseparables.
Lady Katana4544 chapter 12 . 2/27/2017
I had been following this story on AO3, but I thought that I would show some love to the story here as well. :)

I enjoyed reading this fic very much while you were writing and updating it. Very excellently well done with this piece of work. :) Thank you for sharing this with us. 3
GingietheSnap chapter 12 . 2/23/2017
I really enjoyed this story. The humor was there, even with poor besieged Treville. You had excitement, brotherly love and such well written sections of physical and emotional pain and turmoil that my heart was just twisted and my eyes teary. Well done!
Tidia chapter 12 . 2/12/2017
So glad that Aramis could see that it wasnt his fault. I like the relationship between Aramis and d'Artagnan
GoGirl212 chapter 12 . 2/10/2017
I'm so glad your one-shot evolved into this. Each chapter was moving and revealing - truly an emotional journey as much as a physical one through injury, illness and recovery. I am glad they find forgiveness in each other. Beautifully written.
pallysAramisRios chapter 12 . 2/10/2017
Wow what a great ending I'm sooooooooooooooooooo glad u continued it.. cant wait to see what u jhave comming next
Deana chapter 12 . 2/10/2017
Aw, I loved the scene with Aramis and d'Artagnan in the church!
pallysAramisRios chapter 11 . 2/9/2017
dam my email deleated this update grrrrr ..Wow d'Artagnan was tired. Wonder if the boys will tell d'Artagnan whats going on?
Aingealsuh chapter 11 . 2/7/2017
Oh, my goodness! I LOVE this story! Cannot wait until the next chapter!
Tidia chapter 11 . 2/4/2017
D'Artagnan has a lot of concern in this chapter- his father's opinion and now that something has happened. I like that Athos was able to put his mind at ease, hopefully he can again.
Tidia chapter 10 . 1/30/2017
What's up with Aramis? The relief that d'Artagnan came through is written well
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