Reviews for Episode I: The Ways of the Force
Guest chapter 14 . 1/18/2019
Very well done. Love that you made Anakin older, have Darth Mail a much bigger role, and had a better backstory to who Anakin’s parents were. Also liked the many references to the original trilogy.
Titanfire999 chapter 14 . 11/4/2018
Duh duh duuuh duh. Duh duuuh duh, dudada duuuuh dadaduha. Nice story.
PurpleTiger117 chapter 2 . 7/20/2018
Omg I'm really enjoying this story it's so well written! Looking forwards to continuing it and seeing where you take it!
ScruffyStarWarsFan chapter 14 . 12/19/2017
As a huge fan of Prequel rewrites, I have to say I like this alot. It was a nice twist to the story and plot.
HurricaneShippu chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
Damn, this is a seriously promising start to an AU. My only minor gripe at this point would be Kenobi's age, and I'm happy to see how it will play out. You're able to paint quite the picture with your words, I'm enjoying how you're drawing upon multiple sources for your version. They're subtle enough nods that they fit seamlessly, not so ham fisted that they stick out, well done. I'm pretty sure you've drawn inspiration from Belated Media, but you seem to be doing more of your own thing than tweaking George's first draft of Phantom Menace. This seems far more original. Excuse me while I go binge on the rest of the story.
Hayden Avery chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
Seriously good
Caver Floyd chapter 14 . 7/26/2017
Well, that was really good. I was hesitant at first, because usually these kind of things end up being canon copies. The first chapter immediately proved that wrong. Well done. It's a shame you don't have more reviews. I look forward to part 2.
SpencerBrown chapter 14 . 7/8/2017
This was great fun! So many twists and turns! Thank you for sharing!
Emperor Ferus chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
I've been following this version from the first chapter, it's pretty much flawless. Please don't wait too long before Episode II
Transformers g1's-Prime chapter 14 . 7/1/2017
Bloody amazing...

I love your version of the Prequels , and the expanded roles you be given to the main characters, (Especially to both Maul and Tarkin) and I can't wait to see what happens in the sequel. I sense that a limb or two is going to be cut off.

Keep up the good work!
Judy.Laura.L chapter 14 . 7/1/2017
this version of the prequels is going to be even more upsetting when Anakin turns and Padme dies because you love this version more and you're hoping that things will turn out better for them. wonderful job with the first story.
Tomulosity chapter 13 . 5/21/2017
EXCELLENT update; so much to love here. Sola's last-ditch submersion in the greater power of the Force, "beyond good and evil," is particularly intriguing and goosebump-inducing to me, consider the trailer for "The Last Jedi" which seems to be suggesting that Luke and Rey will come to embrace a balance greater than Light and Dark. I'm not sure whether you're intending your reimagined prequel trilogy to fit in with the new sequel trilogy, but so far it does so very well indeed, which is another aspect of it that I'm really enjoying.

Sola's death packs all the right emotional punches ("The world was going dim, but Sola Skywalker was still in it," is possibly my favorite sentence in the entire story so far; absolutely awesome), Anakin and Padme are flipping adorable, and Tarkin's call-forward to Alderaan's destruction is perfectly sinister, lending a whole new presence to the scene in A New Hope. Actually, something I forgot to say in my previous review is that his presence in this prequel is greatly appreciated, and sorely lacking in the canon prequels; Tarkin is an amazing villain who merits more of a spotlight.

And I love what you've done with Darth Maul; keeping him alive for the sequel, while a common feature of prequel rewrites, is common precisely because it's the only common-sense choice to make, and this story has wonderfully shown just how much of a threat he really is; I look forward to seeing what you do with him, and his relationship with Anakin, in the future. Will he continue to try to turn Anakin, or will he seek his death, after what his mother did to him? Only time and further updates will tell!

Thanks so much for updating this! Loving it!
Tomulosity chapter 12 . 5/14/2017
I truly hope that this story, and its two sequels, come to fruition, because it is already my personal favorite reimagining of the prequels that exists on the internet. You, sir, truly understand Star Wars. The relationships, the lore, the sense of adventure, it's all here. The highest praise I can give this story is that it FEELS like a Star Wars movie, and that praise is well deserved.

The personal relationships (which I consider to be the core of the greatness of this franchise) are handled masterfully here, and brilliantly, almost all of them center around Anakin Skywalker, as they should. His (completely believable!) romance with Padme, his budding friendship with Kenobi, his failed brotherhood with Owen, his complicated bond with the FASCINATING Sola Skywalker, even his feelings toward his long-deceased father, all are intriguing and successful in getting the reader to appreciate and become invested in the future Darth Vader.

Gone are all of The Phantom Menace's blunders, replaced by The Way of the Force's excellent decisions. Admiral Ackbar as a former Separatist, genius. Palpatine as a General, genius. Eschewing the likable, but ultimately pointless character of Qui-Gon, genius. Anakin Skywalker as an ACTUAL navigator on a spice freighter? Absolutely inspired. Already I am chooaing to watch the original trilogy with this in mind, incomplete though it is.

That, by the way, is my only "complaint"; that this is incomplete. I beg of you to continue, and I am more than willing to exchange ideas if you ever find yourself stuck. This review is anonymous, but you can find me on under the same name, and PM me if you ever want to talk some Star Wars. Kudos for this excellent reimagining.
Judy.Laura.L chapter 12 . 3/6/2017
somehow I had a feeling that sola was going to die. what will happen to Anakin now?
Judy.Laura.L chapter 11 . 2/11/2017
this is so much like the original trilogy and the force awakens. great chapter!
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