Reviews for In the Snow
cody swainbank chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
in episode 28 I felt bad for her after ash yelled at her but she managed to knock some sense back into him i also liked all the amourshipping moments in this episode too
DutchHorizon chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
"Salty 6 year olds"... wut. Um... why would SIX year old's be on a site like this? Maybe 9-13 and up, but 6 is a bit... unlikely. And you can't get reported for something as innocent as a true love's kiss. Now if it had something extreme like rape, gore, descriptive death, etc, and still have a T rating, THEN that would be justifiable. Relax, if it contains death and/or sex, M rated, otherwise it's either K or T, depending on the story. Also, swearing is only rated T, not M btw.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
(smiles) aww this is so sweet, congrats on writing this spicy and sweet amourshipping fanfic in fact serena and ash definitely make a perfect and cute couple. i hope we all get to see serena and ash get married together in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. we will all remain amourshippers and we will keep on supporting amourshipping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
St Elmo's Fire chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
This belongs in the Anime world. Find your story under "Manage Stories" and select it from the dropdown menu that says "World: Any" in the "Category" section.

You should separate your author notes with a horizontal line; otherwise, they look like part of the story.

You're formatting dialogue incorrectly. Dialogue is written as ["Hello," she said] or ["Hello!" she said], never ["Hello." She said] or ["Hello", she said] or ["Hello" she said]. This is because dialogue and speech tags are considered to be part of the same sentence, so they have to flow together. The only exception to this is if the next sentence doesn't contain a speech verb. In that case, the second part iis/i considered a separate sentence, so it's written as ["Hello." She grinned], never ["Hello," she grinned]. Note that something isn't a speech verb just because it's a sound you make with your mouth, so generally stuff like "laughed" or "giggled" is in the second category. (“Speak” is also not a speech verb.) Furthermore, if you're breaking up two complete sentences it's ["Hi," she said. "This is it."] not ["Hi," she said, "this is it."] or ["Hi," she said "this is it."] And if you're breaking up a sentence in the middle, it's ["Hi. This," she said, "is it."] The same punctuation and capitalization rules apply to thoughts, except you don't use quotation marks (or single quotes) with thoughts. This is because quotation marks for thoughts make it look like your characters are talking out loud, which is confusing to the reader.

All sentences need to end in punctuation, not just some of them.