Reviews for The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored
Guest chapter 13 . 8/24/2014
Love the title of chapter 13
OphyBoing chapter 61 . 2/10/2013
Oh that is beautiful. I actually found this on ao3 but I was very glad to find the full story here too :D I cried so much, poor Frodo :'( but I do love this, and also Merry, Pippin and Sam, they're awesome :)
Purple Lulu chapter 61 . 1/2/2013
Would you be insulted if I called your stories adorable? I love your dialogue and plot, it flows so naturally. My family's been staring at me all afternoon because I keep 'awwww'ing with every chapter.
Seriously this is one of the best childhood fics I've ever read, please continue writing!
7colornotebook chapter 61 . 8/17/2012
Oh my goodness.
That was absolutely beautiful.

I read from start to end and... the way you write, how you developed the characters all the different plot twists and everything oh, just everything was crafted so beautifully!

And although I've reached the end of this story (Wow, 5 years! It's a pity I wasn't here when this thing was being made, I would've loved to comment on every single chapter you posted! Heck, I probably would've enjoyed the agony of waiting for the next chapter too hahaha!) I can't help but feel that refreshing new vibe of some new beginning just around the corner..

Never stop writing, the way you work with words to create is just so wonderful and so different, you make everything so real and oh goodness, your words just really make a connection with the reader, it's quite a talent! It would be a shame if you stopped!

I'm looking forward to your other stories! (As well as the 3rd installment of this series heehee 3)
-Seven :D

OH MY FEELS. MY FEELS. I couldn't stop 'awwing' over their cuteness.

I swear, this story makes me want my own little baby hobbit SO BAD NOW. DX
Guest chapter 48 . 11/19/2011
GROIN? i knew there had to be a dwarf with that name somewhere...
I'mfartoolazytologintogiveyou chapter 15 . 1/15/2011
an esoteric nugget of information.

There's also an apple called "Cox's Orange Pippin".

Nice job. :D
Cap'n Clueless chapter 8 . 11/13/2010
Hi! I don't know if I've reviewed before. I really like this story, as I did Adrift. But I'm very fussy about pedantic stuff like grammar etc. So, I just wanted to point out that:

1. The noun form of malicious is MALICE.

Yeah, but it's a good story
SamTheBravest chapter 4 . 9/11/2010
LOL! I just have to shake my head at the two clueless boys at the end of the chapter. Who in their right mind DOESN'T care about the color of someones eyes? :P

JK... Mostly. But anyways great chapter!

SamTheBravest chapter 2 . 9/11/2010
Ahhh! Your story melts my heart into a puddle of warm butter. The image of a cute little Frodo cooking in the kitchen... *sighs from cuteness*

I can't wait to read more! Expect more reviews from me! :D

God bless!

Aspect chapter 61 . 7/23/2010
I realized you probably don't even check this anymore, it's been so long since this was finished. I never review. NEVER. But this was just such a beautiful story I had to speak my appreciation for it. Your descriptions were just lovely. Several times when you would talk about the hobbits food I wished I was there with them and would be disappointed with the food I had at home! Thank you so much for such an enjoyable, absorbing, touching story (for that matter stories as I loved its predecessor as well).
emmerlii chapter 61 . 8/20/2009
This was a fantastic story! Nice and long too. It was great! I loved all the angst and the happiness that Frodo went through. I haven't been able to stop reading since Bilbo came back! Your story is truly amazing! Congratulations.

xx Emmerlii
emmerlii chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
Frodo was twelve when he moved to Bag End.
hoom chapter 61 . 8/18/2008
I have spent the last two or three days reading both of your stories, and thinking of little else. I must say I am speachless. Through most of 'Anchored,' the story seamed to follow a simular path,somewhat alike to others that I have read (of corse with your own special distinction and marvellous ideas) but when Frodo returned to Buckland for the first time, things really made a change. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I wasn't enjoying it up till then! It's just that I don't think I've ever read anything quite like that. You know, I had the strangest notion that Frodo would try to steal some mushrooms as soon as he was walking by! But the part where he begins to question what really happened when his parents died got to me. In a good way, mind you! It was increadibly uniqe, and made me feel extreamly concerned for poor Frodo.

However, the part that most moved me was right after Bilbo left with the dwarves. At first I just thought, "Oh, what sort of trouble will young get into on his own?", but you went in the complete oposite direction! I would have never thought of the S.B's getting Bag End through legal document! In some way, it's much cruler than what I could have ever imagined (and I am an angst lover with a bit of an morbib imagination!)seeing as poor Frodo can't go to anyone, it's perfectly legal, and no one can do anything to help him! I felt so bad for him through those last chapters, just trying to get through, searching desperatley for the lost will, as well as trying to conceil his pain from the Gamgees.

The scean which sticks most clearly in my mind though, is the one of Frodo waiting by the old post, just as he used to all those years ago, for Biblo to return (though now he is too big to sit on it as wa his wont) When Bilbo did come back, well...I won't say I cried at how Frodo reacted, but I did get this tight feeling in my chest that hasn't quite gone away yet. I felt so perfectly wreatched for the both of them. The seccong last chapter was beautifully laid out; the string of memories both Frodo and Bilbo had of eachother, and what they had gone through together realy touched me (Both of your stories being very fresh in my mind, I really got the sence of just how much Frodo had grown and changed over the years).

I can't help but feel sad now that I've finnished reading,(and I've got that awfull feeling of finality one recveives after finnishing a good book)and even thinking about the ending makes that tightness in my chest return in full force. The way they decided not to say goodbye...*squeels in some sort of giddy/anguished emotion*. You know, I always thought that when Biblo says "Goodbye" in his speach, he was looking at Frodo, as well as his "I wish you all a very fond farwell" bit.

I'm sorry for this extreamly long review (I'm sure I've wasted too much of your time) but I supose I just wanted to congradualte you on your outstanding story. I hardly ever review the stories I read (It's a bad habbit...),and I want you to know this is most definatley my longest reveiw EVER! It was just so compelling I had to review. I'm sure you get people telling you this all the time, but you are an extreamly talented writer, and if you ever do come out with a part three, I shall definatley decide to drop in on it! Hmm... you know, you've totaly inspired me to do some writing, as well as maybe drawing some illustrations for your story. THANK YOU once again for an extreamly enjoyable usage of my time, and I AM SORRY FOR WRITING SUCH A LONG REVEIW!


p.s. sorry about the spelling..:)
Ms Hobgoblin chapter 61 . 5/5/2008
Wow - 5 years...

It was worth the wait though! I loved, laughed and cried throughout this story, and you have done amazing things with all the characters.

Well done!

I also look forward to reading the next story..when you get around to it ;)

Hob x
meg chapter 61 . 5/5/2008
Oh this was such a wonderful story, of course there has to be a third part ;)

thanks and well done
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