Reviews for Screams Inside the Elevator
Snavej chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
How dare you kill my poor baby.
mysticalphoenix-avalon chapter 1 . 10/7/2017
Wow. That went a turn I did not expect. One of the few works that I have read that manages to surprise me. Heart-wrenching, short but spectacular.
archangelBBQ chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
Wow the suspense! In the beginning I thought maybe both Ayako and Yasuhara had already died. I really liked how you developed the story and things became clear to the reader. What a heartbreaking ending! The rice bran pickle pot imagery was a really nice touch - Ayako remembering her grandmother, and the pot in the elevator representing something sinister, something sad. Neat allegory! (But also so sad. I'm wondering if what the shapeshifting "Yasuhara" said was true, if a shapeshifting "Naru" lured the real Yasuhara to his demise... and if Yasuhara and Naru had never spoke to the other of their feelings. Too sad!)
VictoriaDavis chapter 1 . 1/18/2017
I don't want to upset you but you really broke my heart But I really loved it.
yonnee chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
Oh the suspense! It's glorious! I love how you wrote this - so much left to the imagination but still enough detail to paint the reader a clear picture. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time, shaking in fear with Ayako as she descends the elevator.

At first, I thought the Naru Yasu mentioned was Gene - although I was thrown off with your use of the word 'lure' - that Yasu was 'lured out'. It just sounded too sinister to fit Gene. And halfway through until the end, I really thought Ayako was the one who died o.o

One question though: What was the significance of the pot? Since, as you mentioned, this story is set in a crematorium, then does the pot hold ashes of a cremated person? Whose tho? Naru's? Yasuhara's? Ahhhh what I'd give to know the story behind it.

This is a great oneshot! Such a poignant glimpse into a terrifying case! I love that Naru died lmao - don't get me wrong though! I don't hate Naru or anything, I just love it when writers take a risk and actually kill someone ;) Though I wonder how he died exactly...

Thank you for writing this! I definitely enjoyed it!
Fanficluver4life chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
(I can't review twice so)
Oh my god I understand (I'm terribly sorry for being stupid,I understand now),oh no oh no oh no
The yasu and Naru ship no why why why :(((
Oh Naru poor Naru
I can't imagine his pain,oh poor him
Fanficluver4life chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
Oh my god so Naru was dead and was just helping Ayako?!
Why must you mess with my heart :((
But where is Yasuhara?I think I'm as confused as Ayako poor gang has to deal with this major loss now :((