Reviews for Elysium
sayumi-konoto chapter 6 . 4/6/2018
bruh this is so good! keep it up!
OhtaSuzuke chapter 6 . 4/6/2018
I have been waiting FOREVER for an update to this wonderful, fantabulous story!

So, no issues have been resolved. And no Shinji in this chaprlter as well. I'm sure there's a reason for that. The suspense has been heightened, which I hate and enjoy at the same time. It's still early in the story, so I understand.

Good luck with your life, and here's to updating soon. Cheers!
GraveBreaker chapter 5 . 7/28/2017
Well, this is... very interesting. Liking what I've seen so far.
Keep up the good work.
Blue Bragon chapter 5 . 2/12/2017
Interesting that you just had Aigis take him back to his room instead of trying to take him somehwere else with the rest of the team. I guess this means that Aigis is probably not really comfortable with SEES or that the team is still too separated for them to get together.

Well, this was Makoto's first Dark Hour, and it honestly ended a bit too tame. I kinda expected that he would get more involved and would end up summoning a Persona, but this works too to introduce Aigis.
OhtaSuzuke chapter 4 . 2/5/2017
wow, i really like where this rewrite is going. this is the chapter that will start the gear moving forward. i cant wait for next week's chapter!
GrimReaperJr1232 chapter 4 . 2/4/2017
hmm... So the Dark Hour is back or something similar? Keep it up, you have me interested.
terpsychora chapter 2 . 2/3/2017
Ahh, I leave for a moment and sudenly there two chapters to read (and comment on)! But that's how life is, I guess.
I love Makoto. I really do. He just doesn't care. Compliment? Shrug. Boring talk? Turn on music and sleep. Transfer sudents disappear and he might be in danger? That's cool. This is exactly the vibe he gave off in the game and I love it to bits. Also, isn't it great that Junpei is here, he's the friend every extreme introvert needs. (thought to be honest, in the game, I prefer his relationship with Minako, with Makoto it hardly felt like they were friends, at least for me)
Everything is pretty good for now, the plo is well-paced and interesting, everyone is in character, the only mistake I noticed would be "pale, large eyes threatening to swallow..." - it should be "pale, large eyes were threatening". Also, I think that "Gas Chamber, a visual kei band" or "a visual kei band called Gas Chamber" would sound better than the current version.
NoRoleModelz chapter 3 . 1/29/2017
Keep pushing them! I wanna see more of your version of The Answer! I already prefer this to the original! :D
OhtaSuzuke chapter 3 . 1/28/2017
So at this point, Makoto has yet to meet his sister. But he hasnt figured out that the person hospitalized and Arisato are the same person, even though multiple clues point to it? Now i wanna know what he does next.

Thank you for updating. can't wai5t for the next one (_)
Blue Bragon chapter 3 . 1/28/2017
Interesting to get Minato invovled with the SEES cast so fast like this, it really helps deepen the mystery. Still, the key meeting here probably was Chidori, she noticed that something was off him or something. My guess the last meeting was with Minako, which probably would have given up the gig really fast since Makoto would have recognized her.

Anyhow, can't wait for Makoto to start getting himself more involved with Shadows and SEES, and I do wonder what exactly is his connection to SEES' previous leader.
MagatsuIza chapter 3 . 1/28/2017
It's cool. I can't exactly remember the first version but, this one certainly nicer.
NoRoleModelz chapter 2 . 1/26/2017
Love how it's going so far! Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see how Makoto and the other SEES members interact!
OhtaSuzuke chapter 2 . 1/21/2017
thank you for posting this again. i was worried it was going to be dropped. i love this fic and i'm so happy that it's going to get regular updates.

i see the obvious changes you've made compare to the previous version. i have to wonder if Eikichi will be involved in this, but we'll wait and see. keep it up :)
KazuSakai chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
FeMC's Answer?
Sign me the fuck up!
terpsychora chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
First of all - I haven't read the original story. I just wanted to get that out of the way.

That's actually pretty interesting! I'm really curious to see how Minako ties into all of this. I have to admit, I have a weak spot for Minako taking care of everyone even after death. That, and big sister Minako in general (let's face it - even if they're twins, someone has to older).

To be honest, the second part reads better than the first one. In the first one, I could notice occasional mistakes, and the narration seemed a bit too elaborate at times; the second one seemed much more natural and, if I can put it like that, realistic. Especially the part when Makoto is leaving the train and the one where he is going out of the dorm, I could easily imagine the whole scenery, not to mention how real they felt. I also love the moment when Makoto sudenly feels tired, it really adds a nice touch (that and I know the feeling all too well). As to the first part, I liked the butterfly and the piano motive (missing pieces, stilted notes, why do I feel like it's going to be important? Alright, I think I know why, but I guess it's too early to talk about this).

On a side note - that description is beautiful. After all, isn't the whole game about balancing death cults, conspiracies and threats to humanity with extracurricular activities, school and dates?

I'm very happy to see that the updates are going to be regular, I can't wait to see my favourite characters appear and some of the more ineteresting plotlines coming in. I've got a question, though - the story takes place after P3P, right? So... is Shinjiro alive? Or Chidori?