Reviews for XXII: Moon
Rivaille D'Anzelotte chapter 12 . 10/9/2019
The last review here was from over a year ago. Wow. I understand it was a cross post but damn this fic deserves so much more, especially on FF dot net. The Persona series on AO3 only became popular because of P5, but only on FF did P3 and P4 fanfiction got the attention it deserves. I honestly love the way you write; it's been almost a long time since I last wrote anything for P3 or for this pairing but now I think I've fallen in love with the game again. Good luck on your future works, I'll definitely follow this one!
OhtaSuzuke chapter 10 . 7/1/2018
Shit... I wasnt expecting that cliffhanger. It makes me sad that theyre fighting like this.
SoratheknowledgeDevourer23 chapter 9 . 2/6/2018
Am so happy that this has been updated, you're stories are just superb and I eagerly await for new updates!
OhtaSuzuke chapter 8 . 8/26/2017
Wow, that was intense. I guess it's too much to ask that Shinjiro let go if his emotional baggage and move on. Hell, making his subconscious try to kill himself was some poetic justice shit. He'll snap out of it one of these days. I have faith in you :)
OhtaSuzuke chapter 7 . 5/8/2017
yay! you finally updated. the main reason for my hatred of schools (even if school life aint that bad) was exams. i swear to god if they got rid of exams i would go to school and learn on my own volition.

d'aww, even if wasnt that much, the fluff made me melt. i hope more questions are amswered in the next chapter.
OhtaSuzuke chapter 6 . 3/5/2017
Aw man, Shinji really does have a lot of depressing thoughts, doesn't he? I hope he can get over most of it so that he can be happy.

What was with Thanatos 'not supposed to be in her' thing? this is getting really confusing :(
OhtaSuzuke chapter 2 . 1/27/2017
The Dark Hour is back, along with Minako. I'm conflicted, but relieved. I guess it's probably because Minako remembers now. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Will the other members of SEES be in this?
OhtaSuzuke chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
i'm a sucker for any fic involving Minako and Shinjiro. so i'll be biased and say that i like it before it's finished XD

please continue writing this.