Reviews for Alone Together
Singerj199 chapter 1 . 5/26
The ending managed to bring a tear to my eye. The subtle build of emotion was devastating. I really don’t know how else to describe it.
Eggman felt incredibly well written and legitimately seemed to have tipped over the edge.
The bond that was only partially explored spoke with more than enough volume that the ending of the flashback had me choked up and Sonic’s perspective actually made me emotional.
It was lengthy, but it was packed to the brim with some of the best writing in my personal opinion. Truly a fantasy story.
Ebonite27 chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
This story was one of the best I have read! Although to my discomfort there were some moments were language was present, but I am glad I finished it. It was worth reading, and you did a very nice job! I hope Sonic and Tails will recover! Great story, just keep the language out of it, I would have enjoyed it more, but the goodness outweighs the bad in this case, nice ending too ;)
benignmilitancy chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
I am so thankful you wrote this. This was gut-wrenching in the best way possible, and even though I usually don't cry at stories, this one had me wiping away tears by the end. Sonic's bond with Tails is just so incredible and pure, despite the ordeals they've been put through. I was fearing the worst until, miraculously, Tails recovered.

Everything you wrote worked so perfectly with this premise: the horrific aftermath, Sonic's determination to see Tails despite his own wounds, Eggman's utter resolve to wreck Sonic by any means possible, even if it means sinking to new and loathly lows. And Tails giving Eggman a countdown ... pure badass.

The writing itself was top-notch. I loved the imagery surrounding Little Neck as well as the hospital, which gave off the sense that this is a world still alive despite being struck by tragedy. It also gives a face to the carnage Eggman inflicts with his destructive schemes.

Instant fave.
ShannonAllAround chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
HO BOY. When I read the synopsis I almost didn't read this fic because I wasn't sure I could emotionally handle the feels. BUT I'M SO GLAD I DID. Ohhhh my gosh that was so many serious feels but it was so wonderful. I loved this. THE BROMANCE WAS PERFECT.
prowerboy chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
Wow. This story is just beautiful I think. You demonstrate how I think the dynamic of Sonic and Tails should be, even more than actual games have been portraying them.

All of the emotions are right and I feel like I am searching for words to find the right way I feel about this story. But something about it means a lot to me as a huge Tails fan. Please keep writing more like this :)
Katrinasis chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
Wonderful story! Kinda upset that it ended on a sort of cliffhanger and was never updated again, but your other stories more than make up for it. I still do hope for that second chapter, though ;P
FunTime Tori chapter 1 . 7/12/2017
I loved it you should continue it.
Wolfen9 chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
i like this story a lot and you should keep going with it how it is but with these kind of fan fics i always wonder, can't sonic just summon the chaos emeralds to heal himself and tails? does he have to just remember that he can do that? that would have saved him a lot of time and battles in the gamesbut anyway great story can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
Good gravy. The mood, the scenes, the metaphors. They're all awesome. I'll probably never forget that wounded duck near the end, that was on point.

Lovely story, all around.
karygarcia21 chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
I love your fic, i will wait the next chapter
Nova the hedgehog chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
O.O Oh my gosh.
Why is this so good?! Is it physically possible to write such work!? You nailed their personality in such given situation perfectly! The story had me on the edge of my seat, especially when focusing on the flashbacks and ending. No lie, I just about wanted to cry. You can feel their emotion and sense of dread, and more for each other.
Seven out of five stars! This is amazing!
takedigi chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
Sonic ... Tails ... T_T My heart was breaking while I was reading the last part. I have felt many emotions reading this fic. I love the friendship of Sonic and Tails. And these moments of them always make me cry.

I loved this chapter.
AST B-612 chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
This is the kind of story that makes you really glad that you read it.

It focuses on the community the story takes place, showing the damage Eggman has done to it. The descriptions are vivid and ring really true, I think one of my favorites describe the temperature in a room as "Not the friendly kind of coldness that you would feel walking into a café on a hot summer day, but the sterile kind of coldness you feel when being dragged into a meat locker."

The most powerful aspect is Sonic and Tails' friendship. Both very painful and powerful, you see the protective bond they both carry for each other, and the affection they carry for the other that the other may not see in themselves.

If you're a fan of Sonic and Tails or enjoy fics that make you feel and reflect on it afterward, you'll be glad you read this one.
Tails 3 chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
That...Was Epic...
That ending gave me chills.
Dude...You're a genius Writer!
All of it is true...No pain is too great for the two almost brother-like best friends.
ooof chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
You have seemed to handle describing action scenes very well, something which I am learning and practising at the moment with my current project.
However, I think you do need to look back at some of your structure there. It seems all muddled up, as it is not linear. However, a complex narrative can be powerful if done right.
All in all, a beautiful piece, that could be improved slightly. You have a favourite from me ('w')