Reviews for Nature V Nurture
Dakidd chapter 20 . 7/15
Omg what happened. Bi thought i missed something. Man this story gets better and better
Cfriendly chapter 20 . 7/4
Glad to have you back. Amazing update. Olivia is going through a lot. Please don't let anything happen to the baby boy.
realread chapter 20 . 6/20
Please Lord let the baby be ok. Olivia can’t handle any more heartbreak and pain.
casbru chapter 20 . 6/20
I went back and read the story again and was surprised when I got to chapter 20. Looking to reading more soon
Tamarral chapter 20 . 6/19
Omg this wss do good. I hsd missed this story. Stay safe.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/19
Noo... Hope Jonah is okay.
hilltyneshia chapter 20 . 6/19
This is so good. Aammmaazzzzing!
jennkyle chapter 20 . 6/18
Great chapter great job please oh please update soon I miss this story so much
noro chapter 20 . 6/18
Looking forward to read what happens next update asap great writing
IAMASCANDALLOVER chapter 20 . 6/18
Starfish81 once again ..NO I am not crying...You know how to hit us with chapters that have us on the edge and begging for more and this one..damn...S.F81...I am begging for ALL your fans..please give us more when you have the time...This one wow...Please give us more and great that the family and our guy Fitz kept on Liv for her to seek therapy...SF again begging for more and thank you..
kmack348 chapter 20 . 6/17
Definitely a long process! Thanks for the update, I cannot even begin to imagine all the feelings Olivia is going through. I hope her having to leave her therapy appointment to go to the hospital is for good news!
TstormVA chapter 20 . 6/17
Can't wait till the next update!
Cleo Griffith chapter 20 . 6/17
Man it has been a while since I’ve read this story. Glad to see an update. I hate that Olivia is hurting and suffering but she as a therapist knows she needs to let people in. And pretending that what happened to her didn’t happen is not helpful. She needs to conquer and control that. And facing crazy ass Nora is part of the healing process. She needs to let that crazy bitch know what she did to her, what she almost took from her. I hope the Boys are ok. And it being 3 months later they seemed to be be thriving. I love the names especially Jamal cuz that’s my son’s name except I spell it Jamaal . I’m loving Fitz and Sophia’s relationship. I bet she calls him Dada real soon and I hope Olivia don’t discourage her from it.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/17
Pls don’t kill her babies
viva1215 chapter 20 . 6/17
Wow. Amazing job. Oh no what is wrong with one of the babies. Im so glad to see an update. Cant wait for more.
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