Reviews for The Fellowship Gets Introduced to Modern Day Life
Yemi Hikari chapter 10 . 8/4/2013

I've had enough. I thought maybe one of the chapters might be funny, but none of them are. This one really pushes it by having Gimli not know something he would know if he was in the correct time frame of all things. One might argue, "but its crackfic, so I can make the characters out of character". This only works if the story is funny. I wonder how many crackfics would be so much better if people focused on the humor rather then making the characters out of character.
Yemi Hikari chapter 4 . 8/4/2013
Wow. Wow not in a good way. Seriously, the characters aren't idiots like they're being portrayed in this.
Yemi Hikari chapter 2 . 8/4/2013
Again, not funny. Specifically I should say that removing a characters intelligence is not funny. While it is true that any person from an older time would be awe struck by modern devices, they would not act like complete idiots.
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
Not funny. While Legolas' interest may perk at the fact the device can do calculations for him he wouldn't act like a toddler getting candy, nor would he work with it that long.
CeresMaria chapter 16 . 4/8/2009
I thought it was funny! But I think you should introduce gimli to a toilet and have him think its a washbasin! And then try to clean his beard in it!
Katelyn D chapter 16 . 4/25/2005
haha! that so neat, how come I didn't think of it...*bangs head against desk*
Alatriel chapter 16 . 4/14/2005
I think that this story is to degrading of the LOTR characters. They are not that ditzy.
ellie-kat89 chapter 16 . 1/24/2005
I haven't read anything from this fic in forever! I thought Legalos (sp?) with his modern attitude was hilarious! Hope to see an update ASAP :).
Angel15116 chapter 16 . 1/22/2005
Thtats funny, cant wait to see paintball. o btw, i think u sould have money involved.
Giggles chapter 15 . 9/5/2004
Can you put in more Frodo? By the way, i lurve dis fic!
Blue Autumn Sky chapter 15 . 7/16/2004
Hahahaha..this is hilarious. Oh! Introduce Gimli to an electric razor and try to give him a back shave. Thad'd be funny. And have more Legolas, he's funny.
Wolfe the pink haired Fairy chapter 15 . 3/24/2004
Here is a review for you! i love Legolas! And it personally makes me very upset to see him suffer but hey! It was funny! please please please check out my LOTR fanfic! and if you want to join just ask!
Rachel13 chapter 15 . 1/24/2004
I feel special! The blonde girl attacks! I shall capture Legolas again . . . Bwahahahaha! I don't mind if I was a ditzy cheerleader. . . * does a herky, falls on my face, gets up and breaks a vase, giggles, then does an L form with my arms * Legolas! Is hot! L-E-G-O . . . um, LAS! Yay! * Blinks * Haha, I could imagine Legolas hobbling out of a window like that . . . I'LL CATCH YOU! * misses * Uh, oops? * Tapes him together * Yay! Update! I'm loving this! * Reads the Gimli and a car, then is strangely reminded of me when I was six * FLASHBACK: * vroom * Me: I'm going to help mommy get out of the parking lot! * vroom! SCRECH! * Me: I'm so helpful. * Crashes into a tree, cracking the tree in half * Mom: AH! What did you DO? * Tries to push the tree up. * That really happened. Prob'ly explains why I'm so ditzy in this chapter.
THECheeseTurkey chapter 15 . 1/24/2004
LOL! this is too funny! I loved the coke machine chapter!
ps. my name is Rachel...hehehe
Rachel13 chapter 14 . 1/10/2004
Hahahaha! I loved it! More Legolas. He needs to expereince the movie theater. Or the mall! The mall, where girls would raid him and steal his clothes to sell on Ebay! And I would chain him to my wrist and force him to take me to the movies. But, if it wouldn't hurt, could you make me be a fangirl? * Stupid Ideas, Stupid Questions * Anyways, time for my daily death threat. Update or die a horrible death of being forced to teach cats how to sit.
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