Reviews for Famulus
weep for the empty chapter 6 . 6/19 so fucking good. Wow. Especially Ritsu's nervousness- i mean, thats a long time to be afraid of someone you live with. I can only imagjne the prent up resentment..ugh. At first I didn't really agree with some of the choices in this story, like how Mob never joined the body improvement club or made any lasting relationships, but then I thought that Reigen really was the one to influence him into doing those things, wasn't he? And Reigen himself didn't really have anyone before he met Mob either- arguebly, he still doesn't have anyone besides Mob. I went on a bit of a tangent here- oops. But what really wanted to say is that i really could not have enjoyed this story more- all the characters are absolutely in character. I cannot wait for the show-down between shigeo and hanazawa. Please update soon!
Jeni125 chapter 6 . 8/16/2019
Si! Vas a seguir cierto?
NarutoAdmirer21 chapter 6 . 8/7/2019
Oooo I loved this chapter!
Wow, Hanazawa got really bad when he grew up!
Well, I guess that makes sense, but I’d never really thought about what sort of person he’d become without Mob
And I really hope Ritsu calms down soon around Mob. It feels so sad that the brothers can’t have fun together!
I can’t wait for the next chapter! It’s going to be very intense!
Meta-Akira chapter 6 . 8/5/2019
Mmmmm, but those two years were worth it.
You know, I really, really love how interconnected all the events are. It really makes everything fit together snugly instead of a paint by numbers reiteration of the plot. You make references to stuff that is yet to happen, and it makes it more apparent that these things are already set in motion, not just kinda dangling motionless until it's that particular arc's time to go. It gives your fic a really solid foundation and brings the side characters more life. Looking forward to whenever you are able to update next. Wish you all the best!
BlackEvyl chapter 6 . 7/26/2019
At least the muse is back. I can't wait to see what happens next! :D
the-darker-side-of-things chapter 5 . 2/25/2019
NarutoAdmirer21 chapter 5 . 2/21/2019
I absolutely love this!
I feel so sorry for mob and yet, I’m so excited to see what happens next !
CarishTale chapter 5 . 12/17/2018
This is such a great story! Its been more than year now, are you not planning on updating it anymore? Because I love how this ageswap au is very different from thw others ive binge reading since yesterday. Kudos to you! 3
TrustyFoxy chapter 5 . 10/9/2017
I am SO looking foward to the next chapter!
Anon chapter 5 . 7/19/2017
Really psyched after this chapter, I'm really curious to see what you might write next! I hope you will still be interested in this fic, I'd love to see more
Meta-Akira chapter 5 . 7/5/2017
AhhhhHHHH, I didn't know I needed this until I read it.
I love the portrayal of the age-swapped characters. Mob being a good guardian figure is just... so wholesome and good, my GOD do I love it.
I'm already a sucker for father-son/older-younger sibling stuff between Reigen and Mob, and it was just so intriguing to see how it would work the other way around.
And you handled this chapter so magnificently!
I greatly look forward to seeing your next update!
WhatsInAName chapter 5 . 6/20/2017
* points at this fic*

I like this. I like it and I want more of it.
ICantFindAnotherName chapter 4 . 6/1/2017
i like this to death! Please, pretty please update soon! you leave everyone's hanging here, literally (not) XD
Guest chapter 4 . 4/21/2017
Please update soon! This is the first Mob Psycho 100 fan fiction I've read and it's awesome!
omo chapter 3 . 3/28/2017
I have this fic as following so when I decided to check my emails off a whim, I got GITTY when I saw this fic updated! I love it sm

I love how much of a brat Arataka is, hes still a up and coming conning kid and knows how to HUSTLE (though, Shigeo is still a responsible adult and, even though unaware, lowered prices significantly so. does Arataka ever give him a cut or is Shigeo just there to help his student for free? omg...)

The comment about the arcade, oh my god I CHOKED, I'm so glad Shigeo didn't enlighten him omgg, Arataka can be so naive and unknowing! Really such a kid...

Tsubomi and Shigeo being friends though... I love it, Tsubomi is so wonderful and strong in regular canon and adult Tsubomi... shes a role model both Shigeo and Arataka can both look to honestly.

I love your writing, man, and I love this fic its so incredibly interesting and great that I'm excited on how this is going to processed (like Teruki and Dimple, gosh! The little hint of the Mogami arc got me too!). Ill wait forever for updates and you'll probably see a lot of me bc I love expressing how much I love it _(:'3/
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