Reviews for Skritchy Skritchy
seriousblahblah chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
cute cat wife and husband. I am assuming she likes the cat scratches behind her ears because she has fleas? I suggest she get some flea drops for that, or a flea will also help her not get worms
Hawkflight7 chapter 1 . 2/9/2017
Ahhh, so cute! Skritch skritch~ All faunus are adorable, but this pairing is uber adorable! It really showcases their relationship perfectly and how well they get along. Just being near eachother is enough for them, nothing fancy other than a quiet afternoon together enjoying eachother's company.
Dragon MoonX chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
This is so cute! I guess people in this show are half animal sometimes. One more reason why I should be watching this show.

Her behavior is very catlike, perfectly subtle in the way she quietly sits beside him, waiting for him to notice her. You wrote that very well, especially the end where she rubs against his hip.

It's sweet the way he's reading and scratching her behind the ears at the same time. It paints a lovely picture of their relationship. Just a nice, quiet afternoon, reading and spending time with his kitty wife. :3