Reviews for The Human Element
Guest chapter 20 . 6/22
update tale of a jade please
Rc Jackson chapter 20 . 4/4
i love this so much... i wonder if in a future chapter this story would possibly follow a similar route to another tfp fanfiction with the human becoming techno organic and becoming a real transformer or something... please tell me this story is still going? i only just picked this one up and i love it soo much...
ton190p chapter 20 . 2/5
hopefully you keep a frequent update shedual as your storys are both uniqe and very griping to the point of extream anticipation for each update of your storys, as i look forwoard to your continued expansion on any and all storys you make, and the effort you put in them. as every story i read from you has been soo well crafted i am truly hoping you feel great pride and joy in your work, along with continued vested interest in each story you create.
Blaze1992 chapter 20 . 2/2
Idiots all around true having Scream joining the bots wouldn't have worked out, but he could've easily been assigned to fowler's oversight.
Blaze1992 chapter 19 . 2/2
First he's a idiot for not killing Mega-B***h.

Second I would've given him the cliché evil mustache as a scar.

Third What the hell is her problem him having that thing means Jack is not only better protected by more likely to stay at base now.
Arcturus-Lightbringer chapter 20 . 2/2
Love the chapter and fic so-far.
Good to see that you are slowly-but-surely trying to branch-out from canon - really hate when people don't follow through with their ideas and just repeat episodes but with their characters inserted in without any alteration to both plot of chapters and plot of overall story. Glad that you're not following this way - hope to see you carving your own path as story progress.
Like character interactions with one-another - especially Arcee and Mason (hope that'll be this secret pairing you're setting in motion - our traumatized but kick-ass robo-ninja-amazon-waifu deserves some love, but then again - it's up to author).
It's pain to wait for updates, but I enjoyed every chapter I've seen so far - so take all the time you need as long as you deliver with same or better quality.
Do you have some planned schedule you (trying to) follow (like one update-per-month (or few) or something)? Or is it more 'when inspiration will hit me' kind of situation?
John Lenard chapter 3 . 12/23/2019
How many guns he got in that bag?

I'm getting a pumped up kicks vibes here.
ZabuzasGirl chapter 9 . 8/28/2019
Krieger chapter 19 . 5/25/2019
What Mason needs to rain righteous fire on the foul decepticon xenos scum is a Godwyn Mark Vb Pattern imperial Bolter. Not some old piece of equipment!
Dylan-A-Friend chapter 19 . 5/23/2019
Guest chapter 19 . 5/23/2019
No but seriously! Why he has
trouvé a fusil !
Grimlock987 chapter 19 . 5/22/2019
Talk about a big gun
Kaijuqueen13 chapter 19 . 5/22/2019
oh boy
Jarhead chapter 13 . 12/24/2018
Merry Christmas
Roger chapter 18 . 12/22/2018
Seeing that little moment between Arcee and Mason is cute, I hope they end up falling for each other!
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