Reviews for To the Shock of Miss Grace
XxLostInTheShadowsxX chapter 2 . 4/28
Sorry, what I was going to say was, that I am deeply saddened to have come back to this story a few years after finishing it, only to find out the author had passed away. She will be missed.
XxLostInTheShadowsxX chapter 1 . 4/28
I ame back to this story a few years after reading it.
Sara chapter 1 . 3/16
Just so readers know this author passed away and there won’t be any more stories from her.
TheFanficNerdWhoShouldNotBeNam chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
Read this story multiple times and I could read it multiple more
Eniron112 chapter 19 . 7/9/2018
This is a really, really good story. I just couldn't stop reading. As devastating as it was to find out it had ended, I still think it is awesome! I am sure to read the sequel!

- Eniron112
BlueRidge1209 chapter 19 . 4/25/2018
I'm so sad this story ended but it was so good and I loved reading it, continue on with the amazing work!
ashley164 chapter 19 . 3/28/2018
This was sooooo good! You should definantly write another story, or maybe even a continuation with a different OC.
Jenny-Wren28 chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
Incredibly gutted by the news about Carrie. She will be greatly missed.
Lisa Lou Bell chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
FYI: Carrie (Edicts Galore) passed away unexpectedly 3/16/18. The family is unable to update her bio page to let readers know. Read at your own risk and realize there will be no further updates or a follow up story.
TheFanficNerdWhoShouldNotBeNam chapter 19 . 2/22/2018
Always have liked Lost Boys and you wrote a great story in they're world
Beth chapter 19 . 1/10/2018
Loved this story! But I am super excited about the David and Star story! Their my all time favorites
J.Berry Smith chapter 19 . 1/8/2018
I had a feeling the ending was coming soon but not this soon. Color me disappointed BUT I'm very excited that there is going to be a sequel! This is one of the few stories here where I feel not only is Grace a great OC, she's so real I wish I could meet her. It's bittersweet how you left off and realistic. No one is just going to get over what Grace went through.
LostInSantaCarla3 chapter 19 . 1/7/2018
I'm going to start out by saying I'm ecstatic about the fact you brought up the boys not wanting to hang with a younger crowd. Far too often the OC's of these stories are WAY too young and after living for so long, even back in the 80's, I can't see them wanting to hook up with 16-17 year olds. Plus your age for all of them is around the same as my head canon which is awesome. I hate to see this story end. It IS one of the best LB stories here, so I'm excited for the sequel. Especially because it will be through David's point of view. I wish you the best of luck. Ha ha. ;-)
LauRa-ReaDinG-XoX chapter 19 . 1/7/2018
That was an alright end to the story, but there is defiantly some loose ends so I'm glad you've mentioned a sequel from David's POV. I really look forward to hearing what happens next and finding more about David and Stars story. I'll keep my eyes open :)
galwidanatitud chapter 19 . 1/7/2018
At least she's getting there. One day at a time. :-)
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